Friday 29 September 2023

526 xenoblade - discovering bionis' right elbow

Dear Readers,

We warped to Valak Mountain and started hiking in search of the Three Sage Summit.

Using a map we hiked through a pass which led all the way to the Bionis' Right Elbow but nowhere else. It felt like a place we shouldn't be yet. There were Setor Eks here which looked just like other Eks but they were well above LV90. The Monta Moramora flying around looked intimidating too. There were also Latio Apis, little bugs flying around that seemed like they might be part of a random quest later. Big ol' ether deposit here too but I didn't bother harvesting anything.

On the way there we met a Setor Eks randomly galloping through the pass. It wasn't malicious but I did feel the need to step out of the way!

Three Sage Summit was near here but definitely not part of this path. I'll have to try a different route next time.

Thursday 28 September 2023

525 xenoblade - zain and kurralth may be in trouble

Dear Readers,

I noticed Miriall now had a quest and it was urgent. She said Zain and his friend went to Valak Mountain and haven't come back. We agreed to help.

We had to find Zain and Kurralth near Three Sage Summit on Valak Mountain.

I looked it up and it was in a place we hadn't explored yet on the upper level. I don't think Mumkhar is in the way either as he's on the lower level. We'll have a look next time.

Wednesday 27 September 2023

524 xenoblade - vidian is happy her friend isn't racist anymore

Dear Readers,

After talking to Lesunia, I set the clock back to daytime and went back to Vidian. Whew.

She was delighted to hear Lesunia was back to her old self. She then told us she remembered back then, admitting she was embarrassed her headwings were so small, since she was half High-Entia. Lesunia said back then she didn't care about that at all and that she was envious of her shorter wings, saying they must be easier to maintain. She was really happy now they could be friends again! Hooray! This updated in the affinity chart too.

I decided to catch up with Lesunia even though the quest was now done. She said she did some research and that once upon a time there were High Entia that discriminated against other races. She said it she honestly thought it would be romantic to fall in love with a Homs and that it would help settle the differences between races.

Tuesday 26 September 2023

523 xenoblade - lesunia remembers when she wasn't racist

Dear Readers,

Thankfully, we already had Befalgar Pedestal mapped out and were able to warp there.

We set the clock to 5AM and nearby was the Morning Dew Ice in the form of a glowy red item with an exclamation mark. Easy pickings now!

We warped back to Vidian and she was delighted we got it. She made something called "Affection Seal Half" and asked us to give it to Lesunia for her.

We set the clock to nighttime and warped to Lesunia. She recalled when she and Vidian were young. She wanted to get Morning Dew Ice so badly that she and Lesunia got separated from their class on a trip to Valak Mountain. There was a really bad blizzard and they survived until morning talking to each other, trying not to fall asleep. When morning came, there was the Morning Dew Ice. She remembered how she survived that night thanks to Vidian. She then reflected on how she was treating Vidian now, calling her all kinds of bad things. She resolved to apologise to Vidian.

Quest not over yet. We had to go talk to Vidian again. This involved setting the clock to daytime and warping... well there's no warp between here and there but I have to go all the way to Vidian again. It's really tiresome but it's nice this development is happening. I'm gonna end the post here. I could do it all in one but this rigmarole is wasting enough time. 

I'm glad Lesunia is going to be less racist from now on.

Monday 25 September 2023

522 xenoblade - vidian is still having problems with her racist friend

Dear Readers,

I looked online to see if I could do any more quests. I found one for Vidian in Alcamoth. We warped there to chat with her.

She heard about us helping Lesunia out with her racism problem and asked us for more help with her. They used to be friends until they had a falling out over something Vidian broke that belonged to Lesunia. She was still cold with Vidian and Vidian wanted the old Lesunia back. We agreed to collect Morning Dew Ice from Befalgar Pedestal on Valak Mountain at dawn.

Off we go!

Sunday 24 September 2023

521 xenoblade - no, still not strong enough for mumkhar

Dear Readers,

After defeating a couple of enemies that gave me trouble before, I thought, why not the next major story enemy?

Unfortunately, he was still too strong for us. I tried running around a bit but things got confusing and I didn't know who was who sometimes.

We did manage to knock him down on the ground at one stage at least, so that's something. We'll get there.

Saturday 23 September 2023

520 xenoblade - defeating the lightspeed sonid finally!

Dear Readers,

Now that we were a good bit stronger, about LV51 on average, I wanted to try and fight the Lightspeed Sonid again to see if we could defeat it.

Even with the extra levels, it was still a tough fight. I didn't have any visions, but I did die once and Reyn died twice. It was all in the same fight though and I was lucky to have bars in the party gauge.

We threw our usual attacks at it and tried not to die otherwise. We got one chain attack in and I got Sharla to heal me as my HP was 1. It wasn't too easy at all but at the same time we beat it and finished the quest. Hooray!