Sunday, 25 August 2024

174 pokémon picross - s12-04 quagsire

Dear Readers,

Quagsire has a very simple shape and face, so it was really easy! The missions were very easy too and I only had to do three of them. Setting grass types was the only major restriction besides the 5 minute time limit.

Saturday, 24 August 2024

173 pokémon picross - m01 second row, sixth column

Dear Readers,

This one was very tricky because the clues had very small numbers. I had to inch as much as I could and I got stuck for a while until another clue jumped out at me. Then I was able to push all the other answers out smoothly. The result was like the edges of two opposing circles or you could say it was like a closed parenthesis with an open parenthesis coming after it. It all seems out of place on its own but it joins well with the tile underneath in a nice straight line.

Friday, 23 August 2024

172 pokémon picross - s12-03 grovyle

Dear Readers,

I didn't have Combusken, so I couldn't do all the missions. I chose Zygarde and Swirlix. It was all random reveals and it revealed a good bit in my favour, so the puzzle itself only took 17 seconds. I took the reveals gratefully!

Thursday, 22 August 2024

171 pokémon picross - s12-02 sandile

Dear Readers,

Again I couldn't do all the missions, so I just picked Pokémon to blast this puzzle in just a few seconds. I chose Zygarde and Talonflame. Between the two of them I revealed a lot. I revealed so much that I only had a small amount of squares to fill which took just 9 seconds.

Sandile has a nice big smile and big eyes. Very cute and goofy looking Pokémon! Also I finally have a Pokémon that knows slash reveal! Yay!

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

170 pokémon picross - s12-06 pidgeot

Dear Readers,

I still don't have a Pokémon that has slash reveal. When am I going to get one? I have no idea. In any case, I can't do all the missions on this one right now.

I can do the electric mission no problem.

I used Zygarde to reveal as much as I could. I revealed the centre square straight away and waited until I had 2 remaining blank 5x5s to use the other 2 goes I had of its reveal move. I was able to do this big puzzle in a decent amount of time.

Tuesday, 20 August 2024

169 pokémon picross - a nice day on the grind

Dear Readers,

I'm still getting around the 3 minute finish time on my grind and the puzzles seem to be getting easier. Maybe I'm getting better at them as I do them every day? Who knows. It'll be nice to get bonuses again. It's taking ages to get to new areas now.

Monday, 19 August 2024

168 pokémon picross - m01 sixth column, seventh row

Dear Readers,

This tile had an interesting beginning because the big fills came from hints going from 10, 9, 8, 7 and so on which made a bit of a pyramid. Other clues came in and I was able to do the puzzle handily. It ended up looking like a filled triangle with an empty triangle perpendicular to it, especially when joined with the tile to the left of it. If you use your imagination it kind of looks like a lady in a dress holding a weapon and pointing it to the left.