Dear Readers,
This one was quite easy to do. The clues seemed to fall into place very smoothly, so I got a lot done very quickly. Spritomb has lots of features on its face, so that probably helped a lot with this puzzle. I got all the missions too.
Dear Readers,
This one was quite easy to do. The clues seemed to fall into place very smoothly, so I got a lot done very quickly. Spritomb has lots of features on its face, so that probably helped a lot with this puzzle. I got all the missions too.
Dear Readers,
The professor alerted me to there being a rare Pokémon sighting in an area I haven't unlocked yet. I wasn't going to be able to reach it in time and have enough energy either, but I didn't know that yet. I rushed ahead and did the Charmander puzzle.
Charmander was time consuming. I got all the missions and I used blue force twice. This puzzle was more or less about the shape of Charmander's head and it took quite a bit of time to solve and make the missions, but I managed it.
Dear Readers,
Success at last with Mew! This was a very fun and challenging puzzle. I had to do not only Mew's head but also its complex tail. There was a ton of fills to do, and I made a big mistake which drove me to make a clean slate without exiting the puzzle.
I got it right the second time, but before I could finish I ran out of energy. I quick saved and turned the game off for about 3 hours and I had enough when I came back to it. I went slowly and carefully, filling in spots forming the outline of its body, going over and back to the face and eyes and over to its tail. It was very satisfying to finish and catch Mew at long last! Of course, I was using Manaphy's blue force ability, which was invaluable here.
Dear Readers,
Banette is mostly dark, so it was fun filling in all the squares very quickly. I didn't have enough energy to finish, so I set Pokémon that could make time slower and some squares to be already revealed.
I ran out of energy at the very end with just 3 squares left to fill, but thanks to the slowed time I was able to finish with just enough recuperated energy and get all the missions completed. It was very very tight but I came out with flying colours. I probably shouldn't do this kind of thing too often. I'd like a better chance of finishing something when I play.
Dear Readers,
I went ahead and solved Goomy's puzzle and got all the missions complete, so I got that few extra Picrites. It's not hard but it is time consuming so I had to be mindful of that.
Dear Readers,
I took on the professor's puzzle daily challenge thingy. I had to do 4 puzzles in a couple of minutes and I was able to achieve it handily. I won 6 Picrites and levelled up. That'll increase my pay packet as well!
I think I said I was level 5 before but I must've miscounted. Apologies.
Dear Readers,
This new tile I got neighbours three previous ones, so it was starting to look a bit more like a picture. A lot of X-es for this one, the lines made up on the top left and bottom left.
So far, it joins up with the tile above, which shows more of what looks like a spike. We'll see in time.
Dear Readers,
Mew was a secret puzzle locked by a password! You have to obtain passwords outside of the game, so I had to look up a strategy guide. The strategy guide said the European version's password for this Pokémon was found on the game's website. I'm not sure if it's there anymore but I don't care. It's here in the strategy guide at least. I put in the password and took on Mew with Manaphy in my party.
I almost got the puzzle done but I made some mistakes and wasn't able to finish the puzzle in time! It was very long and I was so close, but I couldn't do it this time. Ah well.
In happier news, I was able to do the training again, so I took that on and levelled up to 5. I'll get paid more Picrites from now on when I do the training.
Dear Readers,
Munna doesn't have a lot of distinct features, so this puzzle looks a bit bare. I had to use a water type with the blue force move, so that wasn't too difficult at all. Another psychic type for the team. Hooray!
Dear Readers,
Pikachu was a fun one to reveal, because I could guess who it was before the name was given. Very distinctive shape to the head, face and ears. I had to set two Pokémon for the missions and one of them had to have auto fix x, which I also had to use. I used one on purpose and one I used accidentally. That was interesting! No biggie though, as I got all the missions done!
Dear Readers,
Next up was this one on the same row as the last one, but much further to the right. This puzzle was super quick with a ton of X-es. It was like a fin shape with a diagonal from the top left to the bottom right with the bottom half filled in with blue. Could be part of a long fearsome spike.
Dear Readers,
This is the first puzzle I'm doing in the second mural. This one was a bit trickier than the last one, but it still had a lot of X-es to put in. The lines made up a bit of a spiky slope-y thing, not connected to anything yet. This mural has blue lines and seems like an icy counterpart to the other red fiery one.
Dear Readers,
This one was another very short and easy one and made lines in the top left and right side. Not joined up with anything yet. It took no time at all to clear, but the timer seems to be cumulative of all the tiles in this mural. Anyway, next one.
Dear Readers,
I got 4 new murals and now I've low energy so let's do them.
This next one I did was on M01 on the third row, fifth column, next to the first one I did.
It was a very quick puzzle to solve and the markings seem to just be in the top left and bottom left. No lines that seem to join up with the first one...
Dear Readers,
Whimsicott is all fluffy and doesn't show much of its face. It doesn't even show any of the top of its head, so the puzzle looked like it didn't have much to fill in.
It was fairly easy and I had to set Mime Jr. for the psychic mission and use the freeze time for the other mission. It was nice and I finally have a second grass type now.
Dear Readers,
For Mime Jr. I had to set Blitzle for its slow time ability, and Klefki for my steel type in order to complete the missions. Slowing time is a nice thing!
Mime Jr. has a big face with not many features and it was very zoomed in, so there wasn't an awful lot to fill in. It was another nice easy going puzzle.
The next Pokémon in this area requires two grass types for the missions, so I decided to unlock the next area with Picrites. I can always come back.
Dear Readers,
The professor alerted me to a rare Pokémon that suddenly appeared in a previous area. I was wondering where it was alright! It seems to be a random event that pops up every now and again. I took the chance and did the puzzle while it was there so it wouldn't disappear.
It was the biggest puzzle yet, a 20x15 and I had half an hour to do it. I couldn't use my Pokémon as they were only made for the smaller ones. The missions involved Kyogre so I couldn't achieve them right now.
Manaphy has a big bulbous head with small eyes and little dots over its eyes. This puzzle took quite a while and it was indeed challenging, but I managed to finish with a few minutes to spare! Hooray!
Dear Readers,
I decided to do more upgrading to the house, but all that's left are weapon, bow and shield displays. I don't know how many of each I can put in there, but it seems to be a lot.
I picked and cooked apples for the money and paid Bolson to do the work. I got my displays but I don't really know what to do with them. They seem to go on separate walls so maybe I can make as many as long as there's space for them? I'm not sure.
Dear Readers,
During play, midnight happened, so I was able to do the training for Picrites again! I went right to it and got it all done. As a result, I earned Picrites and I levelled up, which means I earn more when I do the training from here on out. It'll have to be beyond the next time midnight rolls around.
Dear Readers,
I obtained another mural piece and went to do the puzzle. It happened to be directly under the first one I did, so it was the 6th column, fourth row. It had a bit more to fill than the first one, which seemed to be just spikes. This one makes it look a bit like a deer's head where the last one makes up antlers, but that's just me stretching my imagination. They're both gonna join up to make something very different soon.