Friday, 19 January 2024

91 pokémon picross - running blind in the training

Dear Readers,

I took on the training again, got delayed again and missed the target again.

It's like, I can handle the sixes and sevens, but then there are ones, twos, threes, fours, fives that delay me. This time I actually ran blind for a moment to try and speed up. Not a great idea!

Thursday, 18 January 2024

90 pokémon picross - greninja mission success!

Dear Readers,

I had another go at the Greninja missions, this time using Mew and Zygarde complete forme.

I got on much better this time! Two huge square reveals and lots of freeze times. I completed the time and freeze time missions.

Wednesday, 17 January 2024

89 pokémon picross - greninja mission fail

Dear Readers,

I boldly equipped Manaphy and Celebi and jumped into Greninja with the aim of clearing the time and freeze time missions.

I would've cleared both of them easily, but I learned at the end that I had made a few mistakes. I couldn't imagine where I went wrong so I just quit.

It'll take a while to do this again, since these Pokémon take 24 hours to rest, but I know that I can do it!

Tuesday, 16 January 2024

88 pokémon picross - training closer to record

Dear Readers,

I earned my daily 7 Picrites pay packet and I solved the puzzles as fast as I could. I was over the time limit but this time it was only by about ten seconds, so that was progress.

Monday, 15 January 2024

87 pokémon picross - time and scatter reveal missions in piplup

Dear Readers,

I went in to get these missions done, using Poochyena and Glalie. Poochyena for the scatter reveal and Glalie for the blue force grinding medal. The blue force also helped with solving the puzzle in good time. I got them both! Woo!

Sunday, 14 January 2024

86 pokémon picross - hyper scan achieved in glaceon level

Dear Readers,

I set Glalie and Pancham as my Pokémon and went into this level again, for the purpose of using Hyper Scan for a mission and using blue force many times for the medal.

I got on ok! I already had the time mission achieved so I could take my time. Hyper Scan ended up being useful in fixing one square, so that was nice. Things went very smoothly.

Saturday, 13 January 2024

85 pokémon picross - diamond reveal achieved in vaporeon level

Dear Readers,

I went back into the Vaporeon level and used the diamond reveal move for the mission. I also used Greninja's blue force as much as I could as I'm working on that master medal. Made some good progress.

Friday, 12 January 2024

84 pokémon picross - got the auto fix medal

Dear Readers,

I set out to use the auto fix move as much as possible. I used Treecko because it doesn't have any cooldown period. When I eventually got the medal, I exited the level I was on (I completed it before) and it still kept the medal. I'm going to do this as much as I can with the other moves too.

Thursday, 11 January 2024

83 pokémon picross - zygarde complete forme all missions

Dear Readers,

I took on the missions for this again, using Zygarde Complete Forme. I wasn't allowed to use any other forme of Zygarde at the same time for some weird reason, so I used Goomy, since I needed to have another dragon type. I got the missions done in time and earned all the Picrite prizes.

Wednesday, 10 January 2024

82 pokémon picross - more daily training grind

Dear Readers,

Trained a bit more, again missing the goal time and earning 7 Picrites. Wish I could make the time. I'm not sure if I can earn more at this stage, but it would be nice.

Tuesday, 9 January 2024

81 pokémon picross - m01 first row, seventh column

Dear Readers,

This puzzle was gently challenging. It had a clump of lines in the bottom red corner and another single curved line above the middle going across. Not too difficult or easy.

Monday, 8 January 2024

80 pokémon picross - glalie all missions

Dear Readers,

I set Piplup and this time I remembered to use the blue force, while also using the auto fix as much as I could. I finished with five minutes and got all missions done. Yay!

Sunday, 7 January 2024

79 pokémon picross - squirtle all missions

Dear Readers,

I replayed the Squirtle puzzle with Treecko and Goomy. I did the little square reveal and used as much auto fix as I could. I cleared it within five minutes this time and got all the mission prizes. Woo!

Saturday, 6 January 2024

78 pokémon picross - m02 fifth column, eighth row

Dear Readers,

It's funny how easy this one was. The entire top half of this puzzle was all 0 hints. I had a lot of X-es to put in for fun. Just the few rows at the bottom then with very easy clues left.

This tile resulted in a little non-straight line going across at the bottom.

Friday, 5 January 2024

77 pokémon picross - s06-06 glaceon

Dear Readers,

Glaceon has simple facial features and some slightly more complex hair-like features. It kind of looks like it has bangs. I used auto-fix as much as I could so I can get the medal someday. I beat it within five minutes too so I got another mural tile.

Thursday, 4 January 2024

76 pokémon picross - m02 seventh row, fifth column

Dear Readers,

This was an easy enough puzzle, which made a triangular shape pointing to the right. The lower line is significantly thicker than the upper line. It was very easy to put in the X-es as there were many of them.

Wednesday, 3 January 2024

75 pokémon picross - s06-05 lapras

Dear Readers,

Lapras was very easy and minimalist. One distinct line for the outline of its head, ears and horn, and another for its eye, nose and mouth. Then again, sometimes that's all you need really.

I didn't have Slowbro, but I did have Cross Reveal for the missions.

Tuesday, 2 January 2024

74 pokémon picross - s06-03 glalie

Dear Readers,

Glalie was another nice little puzzle with very distinct lines for a tidy-ish puzzle. If the view was head on, it would've nearly been symmetrical I'd say.

I had to use Piplup for missions, but I forgot to use blue force. Whoops! 

Monday, 1 January 2024

73 pokémon picross - s06-02 cubchoo

Dear Readers,

Cubchoo was a nice little puzzle, and I can see that it has a blue face with an eye, but I can't make out anything else about it from the solution. I had to look it up online and it looks like a teddy bear with a snot nose? Still, it's cute!

The puzzle itself was quite doable and easy.