Tuesday, 30 April 2024
20 wii sports - both boxing events!
Monday, 29 April 2024
19 wii sports - first bowling strike in a while
Dear Readers,
Today I lowered the fitness age again. It stayed in the mid 20s.
I got tennis with orange squares, batting practice and bowling.
One big thing of note was that I got a strike in bowling this time. Didn't get one of those in ages!
My strongest trait was balance, but I was pretty good in other aspects too.
Sunday, 28 April 2024
23 jump rope challenge - third pattern begins
Saturday, 27 April 2024
18 wii sports - try not to punch the trainer challenge
Dear Readers,
Today my fitness age was slightly higher but stayed in 20s. I opted for the Nunchuck again.
I got boxing with trainer, golfing to the green, and returning tennis balls.
With the dreaded boxing with trainer, I opted to go very slowly and tried to be as accurate as possible. I managed to come out of it with some points. It felt like I had to punch off to the side at 45 degree angles at times.
Golfing went well and the tennis one went really well. I should try for a high score again.
Friday, 26 April 2024
22 jump rope challenge - hilly mountain background repeat
Thursday, 25 April 2024
17 wii sports - playing while listening to livestream
Dear Readers,
Today my Fitness age stayed in the 20s and I listened to someone livestreaming while I played. I opted out of the Nunchuck and got tennis with orange squares, baseball bat swinging and bowling.
I did very well with the tennis one, okay on bowling and okay-ish on baseball. I couldn't really watch the livestream with tennis or baseball, but I could take my time with the bowling.
Wednesday, 24 April 2024
21 jump rope challenge - puppy background repeat
Dear Readers,
Today I got the puppy background again, which was nice. I also got the same flowers as yesterday as a prize, which was also nice.
I might change the skin soon, but not to the Badge Arcade bunny. Not a big fan of that application.
Tuesday, 23 April 2024
20 jump rope challenge - city background repeat
Monday, 22 April 2024
16 wii sports - 20 year reduction in fitness age
Dear Readers,
I got a much improved fitness score of 26 today, a huge difference from a score in the 40s. I got golfing on the green, returning tennis balls and tennis targets.
My balance stat looked perfect. I returned nearly all the balls in the tennis one. I should try the main ball return game. I'm much better at it now.
Sunday, 21 April 2024
15 wii sports - playing on the wii u game pad screen only
Dear Readers,
Today I got a fitness age of 46! The highest age yet! Yes, the boxing with trainer was involved, but something else was too...
Today I played using the Wii U Game Pad's screen only. I thought why not try it out.
Aside from the boxing, I got tennis with orange squares and batting practice. I stood at a bit of distance from the Game Pad on its stand. It's cool that the Game Pad itself has a Wii Remote sensor bar built into it.
It was a little awkward and I would need practice. Also, it's very hard to see tennis balls and baseballs coming at you on such a small screen! I missed quite a few swings.
Between all of this, my fitness age came out at 46. I did badly in all three categories and ended up with a very small triangle. Oops! May do this again from a more comfortable position sometime.
Saturday, 20 April 2024
19 jump rope challenge - kitten background repeat
Friday, 19 April 2024
18 jump rope challenge - mushroom background repeat
Dear Readers,
I got the mushroom stage again, keeping with the pattern. However, this time I got blue flowers as a gift for completing the goal.
This time I played with headphones plugged into a different device while watching a Twitch stream VOD. It's a thing you can do, kind of like the step aerobics in Wii Fit U. 100 hops don't take too long, but I guess you can increase the goal.
Thursday, 18 April 2024
14 wii sports - speedy punch bag smashing
Wednesday, 17 April 2024
13 wii sports - playing with tv on mute
Dear Readers,
Got my fitness age down in lower 30s. Woo!
Of course, having no boxing this time was a big help.
This time I had Tennis targets, tennis with orange box and baseball swinging.
I did something different this time: I muted the volume on the TV and just played with the sounds coming out of the Wii Remote. Quite a lot of nice sounds coming out of it!
Tuesday, 16 April 2024
12 wii sports - boxing with trainer feels really broken
Dear Readers,
My fitness age result was very high in the 30s this time. Not great. The events included the boxing game with a trainer and you had to punch the pads and not him. This one felt broken beyond belief and I could barely hit any of the pads.
How is it that the punch bag one feels so good to play and this one feels so bad? I don't get it.
So yeah, got a very high fitness age and the speed was way down.
Monday, 15 April 2024
17 jump rope challenge - another cat repeat
Dear Readers,
I got another repeating cat background. Still has the meowing when you continue past the goal. The prize this time were two fish with their eyes closed.
Sunday, 14 April 2024
16 jump rope challenge - carrot patch repeat
Saturday, 13 April 2024
11 wii sports - tennis balls getting in the way of other tennis balls
Friday, 12 April 2024
15 jump rope challenge - living room background repeat
Thursday, 11 April 2024
10 wii sports - trying out the punch bag
Wednesday, 10 April 2024
14 jump rope challenge - moon background repeat
Dear Readers,
Today I got a repeat of the moon background. Jumping further made the hops go all echo-y.
I also got smiling tulip-like flowers as a prize so that was nice and different.
Tuesday, 9 April 2024
9 wii sports - returning balls with game and watch gallery manhole music
Dear Readers,
I skipped the boxing again by saying no to the Nunchuck(love doing that) and got returning tennis balls, bowling, and orange box tennis thingy.
With bowling I didn't get a single strike but I got the red pin most times! I think I missed it once.
My fitness age got down to 25 with good stamina and balance but slightly lower speed.
I wanted to try the returning balls on its own again and I wanted to imagine doing it to the Game & Watch Gallery Manhole music, so I played that music on headphones while I played the game.
I must say it adds something! It's a nice change from that regular music, which gets stale and clinical after a while. With the Manhole music you get a nice melody with a bit of build up and increasing tempo.
Tennis games don't normally have music, which is perfectly fine, but I like Game Boy Tennis' music, which is a joyful little tune. Might try that with this game at some point.
Monday, 8 April 2024
13 jump rope challenge - beach background repeat
Sunday, 7 April 2024
8 wii sports - skipping the boxing game
Saturday, 6 April 2024
12 jump rope challenge - first cat background repeat
Dear Readers,
Today I unlocked the first cat background again. Playing further brought the meows I know from before. I guess it's finally looped. 11 unique backgrounds in total? Maybe not. I'll continue doing this for another few days to see if the actual pattern repeats...
Friday, 5 April 2024
11 jump rope challenge - hilly mountainous background
Dear Readers,
Today I locked a hilly, mountainous background. In fact it looked almost exactly like something out of The Sound of Music. Continuing to jump sounded melodic but I couldn't really tell what instrument it was.
Anyway it's a very nice scene with a blue sky.
Thursday, 4 April 2024
7 wii sports - lotsa bowling pins
Wednesday, 3 April 2024
6 wii sports - using the wii message board to help keep track
Dear Readers,
I'm doing two of these in a row so it's hard to keep track of what I did exactly.
I'm using the Wii Message Board, which gives some detail that helps. I usually find it kind of annoying or pointless or overglorifying Wii Sports, but it's turning out to be helpful today!
My fitness age is still in the 30s, but I got it down. No boxing today. I had baseball swinging and golfing to the green. Fitness age is 33.
Tuesday, 2 April 2024
10 jump rope challenge - doggy background
Dear Readers,
After several kitty cat backgrounds, finally there's a doggy dog one! To be precise, this one's a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, all flopped out on the ground and looking sad.
Jumping further than the goal brings melodic barking noises.
Dogs usually chase bunnies. This one seems chill though, thankfully. They must be buddies.
Monday, 1 April 2024
9 jump rope challenge - city background
Dear Readers,
Today I unlocked a city background. The foreground was a table, like in an outdoor seating area of a restaurant or bar maybe. The background was a blurry cityscape of tall buildings. Jumping further played some atmospheric piano music.
I got some flowers with smiling faces as a prize, or at least that's what I think it was. I'm updating two of these in a row and I hope I don't get them mixed up.
Could you imagine skipping in an area like this? Maybe if it was off to the side, like on a walkway or plaza area during low foot traffic hours.