Friday, 31 May 2024

125 pokémon picross - s08-08 hoopa confined

Dear Readers,

I finally got a crack at the rare Pokémon that was being teased to me for ages before unlocking this area! For the missions I had to set legendary or Mythical Pokémon, finish in 6 minutes, and use only time skills. I set Celebi and Mew.

I made good use of the time freezes. It allowed me to achieve all the missions, which was nice!

With this puzzle the best place I found to start was on the right side. I cleared all the squares gradually as I went from the right side to the left side. A lot of clues just fell in nicely. I just had to remember to set another time freeze when one ran out. I used nearly all the ones I had available. 

Thursday, 30 May 2024

124 pokémon picross - relaxing on the daily, not meeting target time deliberately

Dear Readers,

With the level maxed out, I decided today to not go for the target time in the daily grind. There are 5 puzzles and it took me well over 4 minutes to do the whole thing, but I was relaxing so it was a nice experience. It feels better to do this than rushing.

Rushing is what gets me the bonus, but I don't care. I might still go for the bonus on some days but today I'm not pushed. I'm happy enough with my 8 Picrite pay packet for now.

Wednesday, 29 May 2024

123 pokémon picross - m01 sixth row, eighth column

Dear Readers,

This was very easy! A huge amount of it was pure fills with just a tiny triangular pocket in the bottom left, and even that had a line going through it. Unlike the one I just did, this one took very little time at all.

Tuesday, 28 May 2024

122 pokémon picross - m01 fourth row, eighth column

Dear Readers,

This one was time consuming but doable. The pattern that came out was kind of random and veiny. It's kind of hard to describe them any other way.

Monday, 27 May 2024

121 pokémon picross - grinding at level 10

Dear Readers,

I met the target time again today and no level up this time. It looks like 10 is the level cap. I could relax, but the target time is the way to get the bonus Picrites, so it's still better to do them. I might skip a day or two here and there if it gets inconvenient or I don't feel like it. I guess that's one nice thing about this "job", that I can do as little as I like and come back later.

Sunday, 26 May 2024

120 pokémon picross - s08-05 meowth

Dear Readers,

I had no idea who this was until the solved puzzle filled with colour. I didn't spot his cheeky smile! To be fair, I was trying to get the 1 minute mission and cross reveal missions done, so I spent just a few seconds filling in the actual puzzle.

Saturday, 25 May 2024

119 pokémon picross - s08-02 heliolisk

Dear Readers,

This Pokémon has a very distinct shape and pattern! The diagonal along with the contrasting black and white helps to make this puzzle distinctive.

I used 2 Pokémon with Blue Force and completed the thing in time, completing all the missions.

Friday, 24 May 2024

118 pokémon picross - s08-04 noivern

Dear Readers,

This Pokémon had a very detailed head and I had never heard of it before. On the small grid I couldn't really make out its features as I was solving it. I set two electric types for the missions and completed all the missions too! Not much trouble at all.

Thursday, 23 May 2024

117 pokémon picross - daily training level up to 10!

Dear Readers,

Very pleased I got to level 10! This time I had to do five puzzles in 2 minutes. Very hard thing to do, but I managed it. I wonder if this is the level cap? I'll find out tomorrow I suppose. If that is the case then I won't have to worry about meeting a target time anymore, which would be nice.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

32 wii sports - holding out the bat experiment

Dear Readers,

I was expecting some tennis games after saying no to the Nunchuck but I didn't get any! Instead I got bowling, baseball and golfing on the green.

Again, I played very loosely and not too seriously. I got one strike in bowling and at one point the tutorial came up after the ball slipped from my Mii's hand. Whoops. At one point during the baseball I just held out the bat to see if that would work as a swing. Didn't do so well but it was fun to experiment. Might try that again sometime. With golfing I didn't pay too much attention to the meter until I started making big mistakes, so I went back to paying attention to it, faring better.

My fitness age was 28.

I don't feel as ache-y as I was feeling last time. 

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

31 wii sports - feeling strained, not doing much

Dear Readers,

I'm all aches. The season has changed and so have my chores, so I'm doing things I'm not used to doing. I won't be doing as many sessions of this but I'll come back to it.

For now, I got all tennis games. Didn't want to bother with any boxing games. In the targets things went kind of slow but that's ok. In the orange squares and returning I played loosely and not too seriously, missing quite a few times but that's ok too.

My fitness age came to be in the late 20s.

Monday, 20 May 2024

30 wii sports - very small triangle

Dear Readers,

I got all tennis games again. Not complaining as I didn't want to do boxing and I didn't want to do golf either, so I was lucky there.

I was kinda slow at the games though. Kept missing with the targets and I kept hitting the pole of the orange squares, so I missed a few.

My fitness age climbed into the 40s and it was a very small triangle today! Yeesh!

Sunday, 19 May 2024

33 jump rope challenge - 200 hops in the hills

Dear Readers,

Today I got the blue skies, rolling hills and mountains for the third time. It's nice to visit and revisit here too.

The reward I got was a pair of sunflowers.

Today I tried something different: I did 200 skips! I didn't adjust the goal but I did have two sessions. I was feeling sleepy after the first one and wanted to do another, so I booted up the game again and built on top of what I had achieved.

While I was doing the second round of hops, I had the background and its sounds to enjoy. I just have the green screen during the first 100 hops so this was nice.

Hitting 200 reset the gauge again and I got another sunflower added to the one that was already at the top. There's something a little different.

Saturday, 18 May 2024

29 wii sports - all tennis with game boy music

Dear Readers,

I got all tennis games again today and a decent fitness age. To mix things up, I put on the Game Boy Tennis music during the first event.

I was delighted when the two follow up events were also tennis events!

Friday, 17 May 2024

28 wii sports - punching both hands

Dear Readers,

My fitness age was in the early 20s today, which was nice. I decided to go for the Nunchuck today and got both boxing events. I got golfing on the green too.

Everything went well, even the dreaded boxing with trainer. I knew I did well in that because at one point the trainer held up both hands at once. That never happened before so I guess that only happens when you do well.

Thursday, 16 May 2024

27 wii sports - all tennis games!

Dear Readers,

Feeling like I hit some kind of jackpot with all tennis related events today. Tennis targets, tennis orange squares and returning tennis balls.

I did well in all of them. The triangle wasn't full but it was really well balanced with all three attributes. Age was lower than it was previously.

Also of note was the fact that I got a Nunchuck prompt and said no.

Wednesday, 15 May 2024

32 jump rope challenge - third puppy

Dear Readers,

Today I got the puppy for the third time. Only one dog per pattern loop, so this is the third time seeing the dog. I have seen cats many times.

The prize I got were two of those big wedding cakes, this time with bunny heads on top of them. I don't remember if they had the bunny heads before. I'll have to keep an eye out when I win wedding cakes as a prize in future.

Tuesday, 14 May 2024

31 jump rope challenge - 3rd visit to the city

Dear Readers,

I got the city background for the third time. I don't really remember getting it because it wasn't today. I'm just updating this later. I don't remember what prize I got either.

I do like visiting the city though. I like to visit it many times to shop, to eat, to go to the movies, meet friends... among other stuff I can't think of right now.

Monday, 13 May 2024

30 jump rope challenge - third kitten

Dear Readers,

I got the kitten again, following on with the pattern. I'm struggling to remember what I got as a prize though for completing it. I think it was something different but I'm not sure. I should've updated this sooner after reaching the goal.

One thing of note I did was I did this activity very soon after eating. I don't usually do things like this so soon after eating. I guess 100 hops is ok. If I did a long tiring workout immediately after it mightn't be the best thing.

Sunday, 12 May 2024

26 wii sports - first bowling strike in a while

Dear Readers,

Today my fitness age was 26. I didn't bother with the Nunchuck this time so no boxing.

I got baseball practice, bowling and golfing on the green.

I did pretty ok in all of them, nothing out of the ordinary, apart from the bowling, where I got my first strike in a very long time! Hooray!

Saturday, 11 May 2024

29 jump rope challenge - third visit to the mushrooms

Dear Readers,

I made my third visit to the mushroom patch and I got 2 bouquets of smiling multicoloured flowers as a prize. Very nice!

I can imagine I'm visiting the Mushroom Kingdom, bringing flowers for the princess.

Friday, 10 May 2024

25 wii sports - fitness age tease!

Dear Readers,

Today I got a fitness age result of 20, but it turned out to be tease! That number only sat there a couple of moments until it was knocked off by a higher number! Cruel joke! It was funny though.

I got tennis with orange squares, tennis targets and boxing bag.

Tennis with orange squares was ok, missed a few. Tennis with targets went really well and I was very fast in hitting them. Boxing bag went fine too.

The speed category was my strongest this time. The session did go pretty quickly, so maybe the game was trying to teach me a lesson in balance?

Thursday, 9 May 2024

28 jump rope challenge - third visit to another cat background

Dear Readers,

I got that particular cat background for the third time and I got 2 smiling stars as a nice little prize. This cat is the one that has its paw out. I don't really know the names of the different breeds.

Wednesday, 8 May 2024

27 jump rope challenge - carrot patch third visit

Dear Readers,

Made another trip to the carrot patch. I forget what my prize was but carrots as big as these would be a very nice prize for such a small cartoon rabbit.

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

24 wii sports - hitting many baseballs in a row

Dear Readers,

Today my fitness age was 28, one year older. I got baseball swing practice, golfing on the green and boxing with trainer.

I did very well on the baseball swing and I got a decent amount of balls in a row. Did fairly well on the golfing too. I boxed the trainer 5 times though, which hurt my results somewhat.

My balance stat was really good but the other stats were weaker in an equal way.

Monday, 6 May 2024

26 jump rope challenge - living room on third pattern

Dear Readers,

I got the living room for the third time today. It's no harm at all to chill out as much as possible and rest. Certainly more than three times! I'll be back again and again I can safely say!

I remembered the prize today and it was 2 wedding-like cakes.

Sunday, 5 May 2024

25 jump rope challenge - moon, third pattern

Dear Readers,

Today I went to the moon on my third pattern. I don't remember at all what the prize was, unfortunately. That information got lost in space.

Saturday, 4 May 2024

24 jump rope challenge - beach off for the third time

Dear Readers,

I continued the third pattern with the beach. I don't remember what the prize was.

Imagine skipping on a real beach? The softness of the sand might be better for jump rope as opposed to floorboards or concrete, but i don't really know.

Friday, 3 May 2024

23 wii sports - a few bowling misses

Dear Readers,

I got a fitness age of 27. The events I got were bowling, tennis with orange squares and boxing bag.

Bowling didn't go well at all! I was trying to see if I could throw better but often ended up throwing worse. Still fun though.

I missed a few targets with tennis and I was returning some very slow balls.

Did well enough in boxing bag. Missed it a few times which was funny.

The triangle was fairly small this time but the age was ok.

Thursday, 2 May 2024

22 wii sports - big triangle today

Dear Readers,

Today I got my fitness age down to 24! Hooray! I got this even with the bad boxing game!

I got boxing with trainer, returning tennis balls and golfing on the green.

I hit the trainer 4 times but hit 20 targets. I returned most of the tennis balls. The balls spin fast when they come fast. I got a lot of "nice approach" affirmations from the golfing part, which was cool.

I got excellent balance and stamina with slightly lower speed but all stats were great. It was a big triangle today.

Wednesday, 1 May 2024

21 wii sports - two tennis games and fastball

Dear Readers,

Today my fitness age was 31.

I got batting practice and tennis targets and tennis with orange squares.

Speed wasn't so hot. None of my statistics were but I thought I did okay in all of them.

Towards the end of the batting practice there's the odd fast ball pitch! Something I've noticed.