Tuesday 28 February 2023

313 xenoblade - exploring sleeping dragon isle

Dear Readers,

Hanging out on Sleeping Dragon Isle. We had a look around before looking for the material we needed. We had a nice little run around on the beach and we even got some of the materials we needed from a Lunar Grady that was on its own.

We stopped dead in our tracks though when we saw a huge spined turtle-like creature called the Carbon Tude. It was a much higher level than us and it reminded me of the Adamantoise from Final Fantasy III. Gonna skip this place for much later.

We will come back for the heart to heart for Reyn and Riki here on the beach. At least I think it's for them. I don't want to upset the big turtle creature again when he heard us approaching the point.

Monday 27 February 2023

312 xenoblade - researching lunar gradys and discovering sleeping dragon isle

Dear Readers,

Enough hunting for now, let's focus on gathering materials. Although some of these materials come from monsters we have to hunt anyway but whatever.

We had to collect 2 Glossy Grady Fans from Lunar Gradys. I looked it up and they seem like fish found at Latael Shore and Sleeping Dragon Isle, which we hadn't discovered yet.

We hopped off Central Seal Island and swam to the nothereast to discover Sleeping Dragon Isle. We saw these fish among other fish that looked like them, but were a much higher level. Might be tricky singling them out.

Sunday 26 February 2023

311 xenoblade - the lightspeed sonid kicked our heads in

Dear Readers,

Now to hunt the Lightspeed Sonid. I remember coming here to this cliff above Anu Shore while exploring and running for our lives while trying to collect some thing, probably for another quest. Now to take it on...

...and it wiped the floor with us almost immediately. Our winning streak had come to an end. Yikes.

Let's skip this quest for now. There are others.

Wow we were right to run for our lives the last time we were here. This thing hits hard.

Saturday 25 February 2023

310 xenoblade - researching the lightspeed sonid

Dear Readers,

Up next to research was the Lightspeed Sonid. It's found on Anu Shore but there was no other information this time.

It looked like a Stella Eks and it was found in that area north of the High Entia Tomb at all times of the day or night.

I assumed it was on the beach part since someone came across it while walking, but to be safe we went through the secret cave to the cliff above the beach instead. It was on the cliff indeed!

Friday 24 February 2023

309 xenoblade - hunting the tempestuous edegia

Dear Readers,

Now to hunt down this Tempestuous Edegia. We headed to Hovering Reef 10 and made it nighttime.

I was wrong before. It was still helpful to look it up because the island was fairly big. The map online said it was on the west part of the island and that helped a good bit.

It found us and picked a fight. It was much bigger than the other stingray enemies and it was more colourful too. We weren't able to inflict break so it took a little while but we were still well able to handle it.

Thursday 23 February 2023

308 xenoblade - researching tempestuous edegia

Dear Readers,

Now to research Tempestuous Edegia. This strong monster I had to defeat on Hovering Reef 10 at Eryth Sea at night only.

Pretty clear cut instruction! Gonna take the time to note that here! I looked it up anyway and it's one of those stingray thingies that fly in the air, only stronger.

Wednesday 22 February 2023

307 xenoblade - hunting proper bandaz

Dear Readers,

The Proper Bandaz on Secluded Island was just like those shelled enemies on the other beaches at Eryth Sea, except a little bigger and with more health and a move that could topple us.

Toppling us only delayed its inevitable defeat! We went at it with full power until we got it down.

I was a bit worried the delay in battle would ruin the encounter when it ran into daytime, but no, it was still fighting us when the sun came up. I was pretty glad about that as we could finish it off without the pressure of time.

Tuesday 21 February 2023

306 xenoblade - researching proper bandaz

Dear Readers,

Next was a challenge mission. We had to defeat the Proper Bandaz, which only comes out during shooting stars.

It just so happened to be shooting stars right now so we were in luck!

Only thing was, Secluded Island really was secluded so we had to swim there from the nearest warp point. I was a bit worried we wouldn't make it as the stars fell around us, but we made it in time!

Monday 20 February 2023

305 xenoblade - hunting otol kromars

Dear Readers,

There seems to be absolutely nothing different about any of these Kromars. I suppose some are different levels and ranks among them, but they're all the same to us really. We had to defeat 5 for this quest.

While fighting them, another enemy attacked and we defeated it to obtain an old dragon spine, giving us enough to finish another quest. Woo!

We picked off the two Otol Kromars at the bridge, yet the other Kromars ignored us while we were beating them up. That was kind of amusing.

We waited a while and the Kromars at the top of the building respawned, so we hunted what we wanted.

Sunday 19 February 2023

304 xenoblade - researching otol kromars at eryth sea

Dear Readers,

Now we had to go after Otol Kromars. We needed to defeat 5 for a quest.

After a quick search, yep they were just like the other Kromars, found on Soltnar Seal Island at all times. Let's go get them...

Saturday 18 February 2023

303 xenoblade - hunting tussock kromars

Dear Readers,

Now to hunt for these 4 Tussock Kromars. It was here on Soltnar Seal Island and we went to attack the ones on the top of the building.

They were able to do chain attacks. Forgot that enemies were able to do that.

They weren't difficult to fight and we got enough we needed for the quest. At one stage I had to wake Sharla up.

Friday 17 February 2023

302 xenoblade - researching tussock kromars

Dear Readers,

Now to research Tussock Kromars at Eryth Sea. I had to defeat 4 of them for a quest. I was already in the area but I had a look anyway.

After having a look I found that they were indeed in this area and this area only at all times of the day and night. This area being Soltnar Seal Island.

Thursday 16 February 2023

301 xenoblade - hunting somati kromars on soltnar seal island

Dear Readers,

Now to hunt for these Somati Kromars. We went to Soltnar Seal Island and looked for them.

When we got to the island, the quest got a bit too interesting. There were loads of different kinds of Kromars there and they were all guarding a big building. We tried using luring and stealth in order to single the Somati ones but we kept getting the others involved in the fight. We beat up almost everything. We ran away from some. We just wanted the Somati Kromars for now.

There was a thing at the top of the building called "Soltnar Seal Release" but we couldn't do anything with it. I guess we'll find out later.

We ran out of Somati Kromars to fight, so we left this entire area by going to Alcamoth, then warped back here again and they respawned. We hunted and got what we needed for the quest.

Wednesday 15 February 2023

300 xenoblade - researching somati kromars at eryth sea

Dear Readers,

Now to research Somati Kromars. We had to hunt 3 for a quest. They are found on one place, Soltnar Seal Island and I had to discover the area first. They're found at all times.

I met many other Kromars along the way. I have no idea what the difference is between them all, even though there are many different types of them. In general they're tall bipedal creatures.

Also, whew... 300 posts for Xenoblade. Exhausting.

Tuesday 14 February 2023

299 xenoblade - hunting the pelargos ekidno

Dear Readers,

Now to hunt for this Pelargos Ekidno. I knew about the one at Khatori Seal, but we were already on Hode Refuge so we had another look here.

It was perched on a little cliff above the beach within the island. I lured it out for a fight and it came after us. We were able to fight pretty well against it, though it was complicated by the Orluga that joined in as well. I was able to break the future by taking the aggro off of me and taking the time to heal. That and a couple of chain attacks helped a lot with defeating them all.

Monday 13 February 2023

298 xenoblade - researching pelargos ekidno

Dear Readers,

Next up to research was Pelargos Ekidno. Just one of these so it could be dangerous. I found that it was on Hode Refuge and Khatori Seal Island. I think it's the big one that attacked us while hunting for Orlugas last time. It can be found at anytime. Let's go!

Sunday 12 February 2023

297 xenoblade - hunting tocos orluga

Dear Readers,

Now to hunt for those Tocos Orluga.

We tried to find some at Khatori Seal Island but a bigger monster kept attacking us. We'll deal with that later.

Instead we went to Hode Refuge and into the centre, where there were plenty of what we wanted. The Hodes joined in as well and I ended up having to encourage everyone else to keep fighting. We managed it well enough though.

Saturday 11 February 2023

296 xenoblade - researching tocos orluga

Dear Readers,

Now to research Tocos Orluga at Eryth Sea. We had to hunt 2 of them for a quest. I looked them up and saw that they are found at the Hode Refuge and at Khatori Seal Island. Good thing I set out to discover that place.

They're around at all times of the day as well.

Friday 10 February 2023

295 xenoblade - hunting racti lexos

Dear Readers,

We went to Hovering Reef 9 and found a Racti Lexos. It was a pretty big flying creature but not too hard to beat. It also had some drops for another quest to be completed later no doubt.

Thursday 9 February 2023

294 xenoblade - researching racti lexos

Dear Readers,

I had to fight 1 Racti Lexos at Eryth Sea for a quest. One usually means a boss or maybe an enemy with serious music but we'll see.

They're found on Hovering Reef 5 among other places at anytime. I had to discover more places for it and I found one on Hovering Reef 9.

Another big sea-like creature that swims in the air. 

Wednesday 8 February 2023

293 xenoblade - hunting stella eks at eryth sea

Dear Readers,

We hunted down the Stella Eks, trying to find as many as we could for the quest. During this we discovered Khatori Seal Island, where we got the last one. Hadn't really explored it before. We got all we needed at least.

Tuesday 7 February 2023

292 xenoblade - researching stella eks

Dear Readers,

Next on the monster hunting list was Stella Eks. I had to get 5 of them at Eryth Sea. Hovering Reefs 10, 7, 5 and on the Ether Crystal Deposit were where I could find them on the places that I had discovered. Also this was for any time during the day or night.

Monday 6 February 2023

291 xenoblade - hunting chloro laias

Dear Readers,

Now to hunt some Chloro Laias. They were pretty much exactly like the Eryth Ansels. They fly up high in circles just like them. The difference was, these were big stingray thingies as opposed to birds.

They were very easy to defeat, thankfully.

Sunday 5 February 2023

290 xenoblade - researching chloro laias

Dear Readers,

I had to look  up Chloro Laias so I could beat up 3 for a quest. I found that they come out at night and they are found at Hovering Reefs 2, 4, 5, 7 and another place I haven't discovered yet. On we go!

Saturday 4 February 2023

289 xenoblade - hunting ciconia ekidnos and peeling kircheis

Dear Readers,

Now to hunt the Ciconia Ekidnos. We went to Hovering Reef 7 and picked a fight with one. They're big but manageable. We beat it handily.

While fighting we caught the attention of the Peeling Kircheis, who decided to join in the fight. We beat it up with lots of chain attacks, finishing another quest when we defeated it.

When we defeated the last of what we needed, the monster was above a big hole in the middle of the island, so we had to jump down all the way into the sea to get its treasure chest. It was fun to jump down there though.

Friday 3 February 2023

288 xenoblade - researching ciconia ekidnos

Dear Readers,

I had to research Ciconia Ekidnos for another quest.

I looked them up and they are found on Hovering Reefs 10 and 7 at all times. They look like some weird kind of pterodactyl winged dinosaur thing.

Now to hunt them for the quest.

Thursday 2 February 2023

287 xenoblade - beating up eryth ansels

Dear Readers,

We had to beat up some Eryth Ansels for a quest. We went to those hovering reefs and changed to daytime and beat up what we needed. I think we were able to get their attention because Sharla had her gun. Not sure how we would've been able to reach it to make it attack otherwise.

Wednesday 1 February 2023

286 xenoblade - researching eryth ansels

Dear Readers,

Maybe it's a good thing I'm playing the game now after all these years. When it first came out, we didn't have wikis to help!

Speaking of which, I decided on hunting 3 Eryth Ansels at Eryth Sea. I looked them up and saw that they can be found on Hovering Reefs 2, 4, 5 and 7 during the day. Perfect! I'll hunt them next time.