Thursday 16 February 2023

301 xenoblade - hunting somati kromars on soltnar seal island

Dear Readers,

Now to hunt for these Somati Kromars. We went to Soltnar Seal Island and looked for them.

When we got to the island, the quest got a bit too interesting. There were loads of different kinds of Kromars there and they were all guarding a big building. We tried using luring and stealth in order to single the Somati ones but we kept getting the others involved in the fight. We beat up almost everything. We ran away from some. We just wanted the Somati Kromars for now.

There was a thing at the top of the building called "Soltnar Seal Release" but we couldn't do anything with it. I guess we'll find out later.

We ran out of Somati Kromars to fight, so we left this entire area by going to Alcamoth, then warped back here again and they respawned. We hunted and got what we needed for the quest.

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