Deep in my 3DS backlog is this DSiWare title. I wanna play it before it gets disappeared forever somehow.
This was made when Dark Void was around. That was a big title that spawned this little retro inspired title. What happened then was this got a better reception than its big budget equivalent. This kind of thing happens a lot.
There's a fun little reference to blowing in a cartridge which is nice. I blew into the microphone. I don't know if that functionality was there or if it was just a fun reference. I had to press a button eventually anyway. (I later found that blowing makes no difference, it's all button pressing)
The story seems ok, survivors on earth fighting against some weird invasion taking over the Earth. You play as a guy named Rusty, who has the same name as the character from SteamWorld Dig, which is cool. No relation of course.
I played a big chunk of the game. Lovely NES style colours and the fictional NES lore was pretty well written too. The promo photo for Jimmy Fallon was pretty funny.
The game itself is pretty challenging. Platforming, shooting, flying around with a jetpack, tricky to avoid enemy fire... very tricky after a while. There was this big map on the spare screen and I had to explore each corner in order to get key cards to explore the other corners. I died a few times and got the top score on the high score table, which made think that this was a very short game with one level. However, after I beat the first level I found that there were two more levels.
That's how the game is it seems. Three nice bite-sized metroidvania-ish challenges.
I got a few game overs and found the game to be pretty challenging. There is a save feature, but it somehow got lost and the next time I play I'll have to start from the beginning again. Not sure why that's happening but I'm okay with it. Looking forward to playing more and getting this off my backlog!
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