Sunday 30 April 2023

374 xenoblade - hunting orlugas in makna forest for their fancy masks

Dear Readers,

We needed 5 Fancy Orluga Masks so we warped to the southeast Makna Forest and went hunting.

This was a nice little quest where we had very little trouble. The Orlugas are big enough to stand out from the area's dense scenery so it was very easy to find them. Also, we had 3 of the 5 masks we needed already so obtaining these were a breeze.

We're starting to become over encumbered with other items though. I'm not sure what to do with all this stuff we're finding. I don't really feel like equipping or selling or whatever. I'll see what we can do though.

Saturday 29 April 2023

373 xenoblade - researching orlugas in makna forest for their masks

Dear Readers,

I decided to do the quest about grabbing 5 Fancy Orluga Masks from Orlugas in Makna Forest. I looked it up and they come from several different kinds of Orlugas in Makna forest, mostly in the southeast and at all times of the day and night. Let's go get some!

Friday 28 April 2023

372 xenoblade - telling rasha that cherri accepted the gift

Dear Readers,

Now we had to find Rasha. She's active on the Central Plaza between 6am and 6pm so we warped down there. I didn't feel like jumping down into the pool this time.

Rasha was happy that Cherri accepted the gift of the filtered water and hoped this would bring them closer together. This ended the quest. Hopefully they'll become closer.

Their relationship on the affinity chart was labelled "Meddlesome". Yikes.

I went up to chat with Cherri again and she was nervous of being watched closely at work. Dang. Lot of stuff going on.

Thursday 27 April 2023

371 xenoblade - finding cherri to give her the filtered water

Dear Readers,

We got some filtered water from the sparkling pool in Makna Forest, so we just had to bring it back to Cherri in Frontier Village.

It took ages but we found where she was. She was at the Pollen Orb Storehouse on 2F between 6am and 6pm. We had to go up and down stairs and change the clock but we finally caught up to her.

She was overwhelmed with gratitude when we gave her the filtered water. We told her about how Rasha wanted us to give it to her. Now we have to find Rasha.

Rasha wanted to be closer to her niece and become like a mother figure to her. It's a nice thing and hopefully it'll happen. Just gotta chat to Rasha now.

Wednesday 26 April 2023

370 xenoblade - finding the sparkling pool in makna forest

Dear Readers,

I decided to do the quest named "Secret Innovation" in Frontier Village.

We had to collect Filtered Water from near the Sparkling Pool in Makna Forest from dawn to dusk.

I recall seeing a red exclamation mark south of Eks Watering Hole so we went there.

We had to go to the watering hole itself and then climb along a huge tree root, or at least I think it was a tree root towards the south so we could reach the pool. It was a very nice blue sparkly pool.

Tuesday 25 April 2023

369 xenoblade - telling pachipa the nice news about the mythical empress

Dear Readers,

We warped back to Frontier Village to see Pachipa to tell her about the Mythical Empress. We gave her the ornament as well which made her happy that the thing existed. She was happy to tell her friends so they would finally believe her now.

We talked with her friends and they started believing her too! Their affinity chart entries grew in a positive way. Hooray!

Monday 24 April 2023

368 xenoblade - hunting the daughter empress for pachipa

Dear Readers,

It took us a while to understand what Gerugu was saying, but we jumped down the hole south of Zax Guidepost into a hole with spiders in it.

One of them was the Daughter Empress or something like that and it was easy enough to deal with. It dropped an ornament and that was good enough for the quest.

We still had to go see Pachipa again though.

Sunday 23 April 2023

367 xenoblade - asking gerugu about the mythical empress

Dear Readers,

I decided to take on the quest titled "It Definitely Exist" which involves asking Gerugu where the Mythical Empress lives.

I looked up Gerugu and remembered he's found on the Traveller's Rest on the Bionis Leg at all times. We warped there.

We haven't been here in a long time! We went to where Gerugu usually is and asked him about the Mythical Empress. He said she was in Windy Cave and you had to jump down a big hole near Zax Guidepost. He added that if you bash an Arachno in its nest, you can get an ornament for her.

I chatted briefly with Batubatu and he talked about his niece. Aw.

Saturday 22 April 2023

366 xenoblade - ababa and deki finally see eye-to-eye on bugs

Dear Readers,

To go from Ababa to Deki, we had to make it daytime. We didn't have to go anywhere different though thank goodness.

Deki took it as a challenge to drink the bitter liquid too when we told him about Ababa drinking it. He found that he really liked it! He finally agreed with Ababa. Hooray!

The bond between them improved on the affinity chart to that of Insect Lovers and with a green smiley. Hooray!

Friday 21 April 2023

365 xenoblade - giving ababa bitter wisp fluid

Dear Readers,

A full calender year's worth of posts for this game now. It doesn't deserve it, honestly. I'll get to the end of it someday.

For now, we had to give Ababa some bitter drink on behalf of Deki. Ababa is active at night on B1F in the southeast. Confusingly, it's also said he was at the Nopon Tower.

We found him and gave him the stuff to drink. He didn't like it at first but then he found that he liked it more as he kept going. He said he understand what was meant by "acquired taste" now.

Now we have to talk to Deki again about it.

Thursday 20 April 2023

364 xenoblade - hunting colony wisps for bitter wisp fluid

Dear Readers,

We warped to Colony 6 to hunt some Colony Wisps. We had to make it night too.

They were very quick to defeat at this point. We kept getting tattered insect wings and ended up having to change the clock so they would respawn. Eventually we got our 5 lots of Bitter Wisp Fluid.

Next we have to give it to Ababa.

Wednesday 19 April 2023

363 xenoblade - researching colony wisps for deki's bitter wisp fluid quest

Dear Readers,

We decided to do Deki's quest about grabbing 5 lots of Bitter Wisp Fluid from Colony Wisps in Colony 6. I did some research.

They're found all along the northern and southern ends of the Colony 6 area, around Watchpoint Junction and south of Freight Road, during the night when the weather is clear. Noted!

Tuesday 18 April 2023

362 xenoblade - giving the proof of courage to the nopon sage

Dear Readers,

We warped to the Seahorse Islet to look for this Proof of Courage the Nopon Sage wanted.

It was the glowing red item at the edge of the waterfall. We jumped in and collected it before warping back to the Nopon Sage. We had to set the clock back again because he disappeared again.

He was happy with our Proof of Courage and the quest was complete.

He had another test but he said we weren't ready yet. That must mean we have to progress more in the story.

He certainly is arrogant, but my unfazed and unimpressed characters treat him just like any other sidequest NPC, so I kind of like interacting with him.

Monday 17 April 2023

361 xenoblade - the nopon sage has a huge ego

Dear Readers,

We warped back to the Nopon Sage and changed the clock back so he appeared again.

We told him about what Pachipa said and he was glad but we weren't good enough for his treasure. We talked to him like we solved his problem and finished the quest, which was kinda funny, even though he talked down to us.

He had another quest for us. He told us to follow the river below to Seahorse Islet and obtain Proof of Courage. He said it in a very arrogant way and we just answered in the standard quest related dialogue, which was funny and satisfying, since we weren't indulging in his ego in any other form besides it being a usual humdrum quest. We agreed to it of course, and it was easy since we already explored and found the landmark for the place. We just had to warp haha.

Sunday 16 April 2023

360 xenoblade - asking pachipa about the nopon sage

Dear Readers,

The Nopon Sage wanted us to ask Pachipa about how great he was. I looked her up and she's active at the archaeology centre in the village between 9am and 6pm.

We warped there and asked Pachipa why the Nopon Sage was so great. She said he beat a dinobeast all by himself and he was the master of Makna Falls. On the affinity chart it showed she had admiration for him.

She then had a quest for us. She got a letter from her Dadapon saying he saw the Mythical Empress. We agreed to ask Gerugu where the Mythical Empress lived.

Anyway, back to see Nopon Sage.

Saturday 15 April 2023

359 xenoblade - asking pipiki about the nopon sage

Dear Readers,

We warped back to the village to ask Pipiki why the Nopon Sage was so great. He said he made him like all food so that must mean the Nopon Sage liked food too and could eat tons of it. After this, we had to warp back to the Nopon Sage.

Thank goodness for fast travel.

We told the Nopon Sage and he took it as an insult, saying Pipiki thought he was greedy. Yikes... I don't think he meant that...

The Nopon Sage then asked us to ask Pachipa the same thing, so we had to warp again.

I'll talk about that in the next post. The game likes to waste time so I'll use it to fill in the time.

Friday 14 April 2023

358 xenoblade - the nopon sage's quest of greatness

Dear Readers,

The Nopon Sage asked us to come back to him, so we did once the business with Pipiki was finished. He had a quest of his own for us!

He wanted us to tell him why he, the Nopon Sage, was so great. He was disappointed with our answer, so he asked us to ask Pipiki to tell us why he was so great. We agreed to do it.

Whew... this is a bit of over and back. Oh well, at least I'm getting stuff done!

Thursday 13 April 2023

357 xenoblade - pipiki is happy the nopon sage is real

Dear Readers,

We returned to Pipiki after summoning the sage for him. He was delighted to be able to eat Bitter Kiwis now so yay! He was also really happy that the Nopon Sage really did exist and felt validated in his belief.

The Nopon Sage appeared in the Affinity Chart as the sage of Makna, appearing between 12PM and 3PM. He also had an age of 9999! Wow! The link between him and Pipiki was a mystical one. He complained that Bana still didn't believe him and considered it childish. Awh well.

Wednesday 12 April 2023

356 xenoblade - summoning the nopon sage

Dear Readers,

We warped to the Divine Sanctuary and looked towards the Great Makna Falls looking for rainbows.

After some time, rainbows did indeed show up! It was around 1PM. The offering point wasn't in the falls itself but it was back through the tunnel that leads to the Divine Sanctuary. It's marked with a red exclamation mark. I learned that the hard way when I tried to chase the rainbow in the water hahaha.

I know you can't chase and catch rainbows but I was willing to suspend disbelief since this is a videogame. 

We made the offering at the point, though we had to change the time back and the Nopon Sage appeared! He granted Pipiki's wish to stomach bitter kiwis and asked us to come see him again about his treasure. We might do just that.

Tuesday 11 April 2023

355 xenoblade - pipiki prepares the offering

Dear Readers,

We headed back to Pipiki in Frontier Village to cash in on his quest.

When we did, he had another quest for us. With this new one, he used the materials we got for him to make an offering to the Nopon Sage. He asked us to bring it to where you can see the rainbow of Great Makna Falls. We agreed to it. Why not! Seems kinda fun.

Pipiki even gave a hint, saying the rainbow appears between meal time and snack time. Not sure when that is though.

Monday 10 April 2023

354 xenoblade - hunting chloro laias for juicy laia fish

Dear Readers,

I had to get Juicy Laia Fish from Chloro Laias at Eryth Sea this time. We warped all the way over there and made it nighttime.

Hunting Chloro Laias was fun and I switched to Riki again. This meant I could obtain more items per encounter, so it was a good idea.

I only needed one fish thank goodness, so I was happy when I obtained it. This also completed the quest with Pipiki.

Sunday 9 April 2023

353 xenoblade - trading with deki for benign cricket

Dear Readers,

I went looking for Deki so I could trade with him. When I found him he had a quest for me!

We agreed to grab 5 lots of Bitter Wisp Fluid from Colony Wisps in Colony 6. He wanted to teach someone a lesson. It didn't work last time but he wants to try again. Oh well.

I traded for his Benign Cricket. Luckily I only needed one as I already had the other 3.

Now for those fish...

Saturday 8 April 2023

352 xenoblade - researching offerings for the nopon sage

Dear Readers,

I picked up a quest from Pipiki during that last post but didn't mention it until now. I had to collect some things for an offering to the great Nopon Sage, whoever that is. I had the 4 Soft Sea Cucumbers I needed, so I needed 4 Benign Crickets and 3 lots of Juicy Laia Fish from Chloro Laias at Eryth Sea.

Time for some research.

For the crickets, I'll try trading with Deki, who is active from 9am-6pm in the east of B1F.

For the Chloro Lais, they're on Hovering Reefs 2, 4, 5, 7 and 9 at night.

Let's go!

Friday 7 April 2023

351 xenoblade - finishing kofuko's weird drink quest

Dear Readers,

There was a quest in Frontier Village about Nopons getting ill from bad stuff in the water that another Nopon liked in a way that people like alcohol. It had a branching path thing and I was wondering which to do.

I don't care anymore so I'm just going to do the most convenient thing.

I spoke to Kofuko and got him what he wanted. I got the achievement Charitable Ally.

I then spoke to Migaga in the morning and this finished the quest. The affinity between them had a red face on it with "Rocky Marriage" as description. Yikes.

The achievement I mentioned is for completing 200 quests! Woo! Tearing through them! :)

Now that I have it finished, was there an alternate path? I'm not sure. I don't care anyway. Moving on!

Thursday 6 April 2023

350 xenoblade - hunting the shimmering forte

Dear Readers,

We went looking for the Shimmering Forte in Makna Forest. It took quite a while because I had to change the clock several times. From day to night, back to day again, back to night again, back to day again.

I wasn't even sure if I was doing it properly. I eventually got to a day where there was a haze in the air and birds weren't singing. Then I saw it! The Shimmering Forte!

I jumped down from the higher ground to confront it. However, Reyn and Sharla tried to pathfind their way by walking down the long way and they got stuck behind rocks and bushes. The creature was weak enough but I needed their help to defeat it. I had to go fetch them before I got owned myself.

When I did we took its health down quickly and won the battle. I couldn't really see if it had two heads because it was bigger than the camera angle, but it had a fiery aura like the inferno deinos that are around here. I then looked up deinos in general and they all  have a weird second head under their chins. Or maybe that's the primary head? I have no idea.

Wednesday 5 April 2023

349 xenoblade - researching shimmering forte

Dear Readers,

I looked up this strong monster called the Shimmering Forte. It says it can be found near the Eks Watering Hole on a hot day.

What a strange looking monster... it looks like some kind of a dinosaur but it seems like it has two heads? One on top of the other? Very strange... Anyway I'll try to go there on a hot day.

Tuesday 4 April 2023

348 xenoblade - hunting makna eks

Dear Readers,

We warped to Makna Forest to hunt for Makna Eks.

There were plenty of them at the Eks Watering Hole so we went there. 3 were needed for the quest but we only needed to defeat 1 so we battered 1 and the quest was complete. Woo!

Monday 3 April 2023

347 xenoblade - researching makna eks in makna forest

Dear Readers,

I wasn't able to upgrade Colony 6 anymore until I had progressed in the story, so I went back to quests.

A Nopon Merchant in Makna Forest wanted us to defeat 3 Makna Eks in Makna Forest, so I looked them up.

They're found between the Nopon Arch and the Twisted Tree Gate, and also at the Clear Waterfall. Let's go!

Sunday 2 April 2023

346 xenoblade - upgrading colony 6's commerce to level 3

Dear Readers,

I already had enough to upgrade Colony 6's commerce to level 3! Hooray!

When I chose the option, street market stalls appeared and made the place look even more lived in. Things were looking nicer and nicer.

I wasn't able to upgrade this category anymore. There was stuff I needed from places I haven't visited yet.

Saturday 1 April 2023

345 xenoblade - upgrading colony 6's commerce to level 2

Dear Readers,

We went back to Juju and upgraded commerce from level 1 to level 2. This enabled streetlights to be built as well! Hooray!

This is a nice thing. We took a walk and it seemed like the place was really coming along.