Saturday 15 April 2023

359 xenoblade - asking pipiki about the nopon sage

Dear Readers,

We warped back to the village to ask Pipiki why the Nopon Sage was so great. He said he made him like all food so that must mean the Nopon Sage liked food too and could eat tons of it. After this, we had to warp back to the Nopon Sage.

Thank goodness for fast travel.

We told the Nopon Sage and he took it as an insult, saying Pipiki thought he was greedy. Yikes... I don't think he meant that...

The Nopon Sage then asked us to ask Pachipa the same thing, so we had to warp again.

I'll talk about that in the next post. The game likes to waste time so I'll use it to fill in the time.

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