Friday 7 April 2023

351 xenoblade - finishing kofuko's weird drink quest

Dear Readers,

There was a quest in Frontier Village about Nopons getting ill from bad stuff in the water that another Nopon liked in a way that people like alcohol. It had a branching path thing and I was wondering which to do.

I don't care anymore so I'm just going to do the most convenient thing.

I spoke to Kofuko and got him what he wanted. I got the achievement Charitable Ally.

I then spoke to Migaga in the morning and this finished the quest. The affinity between them had a red face on it with "Rocky Marriage" as description. Yikes.

The achievement I mentioned is for completing 200 quests! Woo! Tearing through them! :)

Now that I have it finished, was there an alternate path? I'm not sure. I don't care anyway. Moving on!

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