Thursday 6 April 2023

350 xenoblade - hunting the shimmering forte

Dear Readers,

We went looking for the Shimmering Forte in Makna Forest. It took quite a while because I had to change the clock several times. From day to night, back to day again, back to night again, back to day again.

I wasn't even sure if I was doing it properly. I eventually got to a day where there was a haze in the air and birds weren't singing. Then I saw it! The Shimmering Forte!

I jumped down from the higher ground to confront it. However, Reyn and Sharla tried to pathfind their way by walking down the long way and they got stuck behind rocks and bushes. The creature was weak enough but I needed their help to defeat it. I had to go fetch them before I got owned myself.

When I did we took its health down quickly and won the battle. I couldn't really see if it had two heads because it was bigger than the camera angle, but it had a fiery aura like the inferno deinos that are around here. I then looked up deinos in general and they all  have a weird second head under their chins. Or maybe that's the primary head? I have no idea.

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