Tuesday, 9 July 2024

288 zelda breath of the wild - catching more fireproof lizards for second heat suit upgrade

Dear Readers,

Just when I thought I didn't need any more fireproof lizards, the Great Fairy needed 9 of them to upgrade my fireproof gear. I took Spotty back to Eldin and used the radar to catch more of them. There's loads of them so I found them in no time at all.

Afterwards we went back to the Great Fairy and upgraded everything. There was another upgrade, but I needed moblin guts and smotherwing butterflies, an insect I haven't added to the compendium yet. I know they're in Eldin, but they're kind of elusive.

Looking forward to beating up some moblins though! Stalmoblins won't do of course, because they don't have guts or any other fleshy organs.

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