Dear Readers,
I was now upgraded to the max and ready to take on the Goron divine beast, Vah Rudania! I hiked up Death Mountain as far as I could. I got to that point where I fired the last cannon, but from that point on was just a big climb. I decided to just warp back into the dungeon.
It was pretty crazy to observe the inside of this volcano. I found a bunch of treasure chests outside straight away. When I finally went inside, it was pitch dark and the temperature wasn't scorching anymore, which was weird.
I fumbled around in the dark, shooting out evil eyeballs and using torchlight to navigate. When I finally got the map, Vah Rudania opened all its panels/windows to let the light in. This time, I had the ability to rotate the creature 90 degrees and back.
The very most of the dungeon was sussing out where I could get to the terminals and using the rotation mechanic to access them and the treasures, both inside and outside the dungeon.
Everything was going well until I came across torch lighting puzzles and didn't know what to do. I then discovered that I could carry a blue flame outside and my torch wouldn't disintegrate in the heat as long as it was lit with the blue flame. It made absolutely no sense but at that point I didn't want to argue. I lit the blue lantern outside to get the ball rolling and put away my torch quickly.
The other lamp lighting puzzle I had to shoot with an arrow through a small hole in a door. There's no such thing as blue flame arrows, so I was stuck for ages trying to figure out what to do. I found from a guide on zeldadungeon dot net that I had to hold the arrow shooting button and walk up to a lit lamp to light the arrow on fire, then, continuing to hold the button, walk over to the hole and shoot at the lamp through it. It was such a simple thing, such a basic mechanic that it was annoying because I had never used it in the game until now. I don't remember using it anyway.
There was one treasure chest that was eluding me as well. I found from the comment section of that zeldadungeon dot net guide that I had to go outside and rotate the dungeon where the ladder was so I could go over the wall. I shot out an evil eyeball along the way. There was this tiny opening nearby that was hard to notice but I had to fall down through it to reach the treasure chest that I spent ages trying to find. Glad I got that over with!
Fireblight Ganon was another floating torso but with a big fiery sword this time. It was hard to hit him with the Master Sword because he always went out of reach. He shot big flaming fireballs as well which I had to avoid by taking cover behind walls. I was stuck on that part for ages until Daruk gently suggested that Fireblight Ganon had an appetite for bombs. I disarmed him with a bomb or two and continued trying to hit him with the Master Sword and arrows until he was finally defeated.
Just like with the other Divine Beasts, Daruk piloted Vah Rudania to the top of the mountain and shot a beam at Ganon in Hyrule Castle. Yunobo saw him for a brief moment and they both observed each other with joy. Daruk was wondering how the Gorons were doing now and when he saw Yunobo, he felt good.
Daruk also gave me his red shield ability thing, which should come in handy!
After all this, I went back to Goron City and chatted with the boss. He congratulated and thanked me lots and gave me Daruk's old heavy sword. I took it gladly. I'm going to display this in my house with the other champion weapons!
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