Monday, 12 August 2024

304 zelda breath of the wild - the monster cake saga of tarrey town

Dear Readers,

I chatted with the elderly couple and they mentioned how the rich guy argued with his wife a lot at night. I tried talking to them but they wouldn't open up to me about their troubles.

Then I noticed they were arguing next to an open window.

I went outside and I was able to listen in on what they were saying. It was about how their daughter needed food to regain her strength after her illness but she would only eat cake. Eventually monster cake came up.

The next day I chatted with the old lady and I was able to ask her for the recipe for monster cake. I had the wheat and the monster extract, but I didn't have any butter or cane sugar.

I warped to the Korok Forest for the cane sugar and I rode to Kakariko for the butter. I made sure to get extra in case I needed them again. It seems I'm only able to buy these in shops.

In the end I was able to make the monster cake and give it to the family for their little girl. She was happy and well again! She's a very happy and active kid and also very carefree. She was now living her best life!

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