Wednesday, 14 August 2024

306 zelda breath of the wild - finding the remaining zora stone monument inscriptions

Dear Readers,

I was dying to finish that Zora monument text quest once and for all so I asked Jiahto and he offered to give me clues about the remaining ones I hadn't found yet. There were 10 in all and I had found all of them except for 3.

He said one was on the cliff to the southeast of Upland Zorana. I would've never thought of looking there. It's not on the main path after all. I did some upward waterfall swimming and climbed to higher ground to find it. While I was there I found another one further to the southeast. I checked them both out.

One of them talked about Sidon's feat on the beach where he burst out of a huge Octorok's belly and the other was of the sculptor's own musings on this sculpting gig, which were pretty amusing.

I went back to Jiahto for the clue on the remaining monument and it was in the eastern part of the Zodobon Highlands. I thought I found that one already but apparently I didn't. I decided to just warp there and back. It was a nice one talking about Princess Ruto from Ocarina of Time, which was pretty cool. It straight up said that Vah Rutah was named after her. It was a very nice bit of lore!

I went back to Jiahto and he gave me a diamond for finding them all. I found this quest very enjoyable, at least when I found the dang things! I badly needed the clues too.

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