Monday, 26 August 2024

308 zelda breath of the wild - finley and sasan finally meet

Dear Readers,

I hiked back up to Zora's Domain to see Finley's love letter quest through to the end. She wasn't where I met her anymore so I had to go all the way there.

Before I left Sasan's camp, I found two Bokoblins in a nearby cave and beat them up for their treasure. It was a lot of rupees!

Finley and Sasan had finally met and they were chatting with each other and enjoying each other's company. Finley liked Sasan's stories about travel and Sasan promised to get all buff for Finley. She treats him like she's his elder and it seems like he does look up to her, even though he's taller. They gave me a good reward for helping them too.

Finley's mother isn't thrilled but she doesn't seem too unhappy about it either. 

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