Wednesday 31 May 2023

405 xenoblade - researching dogmatic gogol

Dear Readers,

I looked up this creature for a quest. It's in Satori Marsh at the Place of Judgement and Talia got in danger with it during her research.

It's an ape-like creature, LV35 and it can be found at all times of the day and night.

It's been a long time since we went to the Satori Marsh. Let's go!

Tuesday 30 May 2023

404 xenoblade - not an error message lol

Dear Readers,

My first 404th post for a game. This isn't an error message, though sometimes I feel like trudging through this game is one big error. Anyway, back to what I was doing, finding the timed quests in Alcamoth.

Monday 29 May 2023

403 xenoblade - the weird secret club membership quest thing in alcamoth

Dear Readers,

There's this quest I found while looking up quests online. I couldn't find anything in the main game until I searched more and found another Xenoblade fan wiki with different information. It said I had to do something in Frontier Village first.

I had to look up two different wikis and several Reddit posts to get any information on this and I'm annoyed. Why does this game's quests have to be such a nightmare? 

I wish NPCs were easier to find too. I have to look up schedules and locations to find anybody.

Anyway, I'll come back to this. I'll find other Alcamoth quests first. Next!

Sunday 28 May 2023

402 xenoblade - unlocking elior's starlight seeker quest

Dear Readers,

I wanted to unlock the quest "Starlight Seeker". I had to find Elior, who was supposedly at the Fountain of Eternity when I looked it up, but he was far away from it. He was actually further north and east from there at the top part of the semicircle. I had to change the clock to after 6am too.

He was interested in stargazing and wanted us to talk to Miriall. He couldn't do it himself as he was too young to go out at night. We said we'd talk to her for him.

Next quest!

Saturday 27 May 2023

401 xenoblade - taking on the teaching materials quest

Dear Readers,

We looked for the "Teaching Materials" quest and had to find Mir'leiz. We changed the clock to after 6am and found him south of Melfica Road outside the Imperial Palace. He had the quest and we took it on.

This involved talking to Caul but we'll do that later. We're collecting quests now. Next!

Friday 26 May 2023

400 xenoblade - finding talia's research quest

Dear Readers,

The next quest I wanted had to do with Talia, so I sought her out at the south fountain after 6pm at the imperial palace entrance.

She was talking about the characters behind the deciphering invention. I then got a vision of her talking about going to the Place of Judgement in Satori Marsh. She wouldn't be convinced not to go there even though it was dangerous. A prompt to accept the quest to defeat the Dogmatic Gogol in that area came up and I took it on. 

We'll save her later. Finding next quest now!

Thursday 25 May 2023

399 xenoblade - inviting ma'crish to colony 6

Dear Readers,

We met Ma'crish at the fountain while doing the previous quest. She wanted to move somewhere and we had the option to invite her to Colony 6, so we did.

This added some stat boosts to Colony 6's reconstruction and she appeared on the affinity chart on her own with a big space surrounding her. Looks like there's lots to do when she gets there.

Wednesday 24 May 2023

398 xenoblade - finding naroth for a necessary upgrade

Dear Readers,

"A Necessary Upgrade" was the first quest I wanted to activate in Alcamoth and I had to find Naroth in  the imperial palace.

It was outside the palace near the north fountain at Melfica Road. We talked to him and this quest was related to the translation machine thingy from an earlier quest. We had to get more stuff.

We had the stuff collected and so we cashed in on it. Hooray! His affinity chart entry updated as well but I don't know what the update was exactly. Maybe something to do with Ruthan the inventor.

Anyway, next!

Tuesday 23 May 2023

397 xenoblade - alcamoth quests plan of action and research

Dear Readers,

I took another break from this game. Real life just sucks sometimes. Anyway I need to take another look at where I'm at and figure out the next step.

I was taking a beating from the Funeral Gozra. We'll have to leave and come back later, even though there are unopened chests around it.

This was an Eryth Sea mission and wasn't bound by time. Ok that's good. I can definitely come back to it later then.

I decided to look up online to see all the quests in Alcamoth. I'll be able to activate them if I know which NPC to speak to and when to speak to them and where I can find them. It will save a lot of time. I'll do this with earlier areas too, but Alcamoth has so many timed quests I'll look them up now.

Monday 22 May 2023

396 xenoblade - losing against the funeral gozra

Dear Readers,

Now to fight the Funeral Gozra. Where do they get these nutty names from. It's just an Orluga with a Hode on top of it.

We picked a fight with it and got beaten. It wasn't just by itself as it had several other little hodes around it. At one point it ran away for some reason and we had to reengage? I'm not sure what went on.

We tried again... and again... and again. It felt like we had hope in getting its health down to defeat it but it kept defeating us. Even when we picked off the smaller hode minions around it it still defeated us. I think we may have to come back when we're stronger.

Sunday 21 May 2023

395 xenoblade - researching funeral gozra

Dear Readers,

Jarack wanted us to teach the Hodes a lesson, so we had to look for the strong one, Funeral Gozra.

We saw that it was in the Hode Refuge at all times. We went there exploring and found that we had to go inside and swim across to the cave. The enemy was there.

Saturday 20 May 2023

394 xenoblade - fixing the turbines at the ether plant for jarack

Dear Readers,

We had nearly all the missions we had gathered so far complete! I was pretty happy with that! Now to look for more missions!

I wanted to go to the Ether Plant to speak with Jarack. I passed by so many times here to jump off towards the Hode Refuge without saying hello and now I wanted to speak with him. So we went there to speak with him as he had a quest for us.

He said some Hodes attacked and damaged one of the turbines here. I said I was interested in helping to fix it and being the machine whizz I was fascinated by the technology.

He asked us to help him repair the wind turbine and then punish the Hode leader responsible for it. We said we'd do it for him!

We had one of the quests already finished by having the 3 pieces of Luxury Hode Wood.

Jarack appeared on the affinity chart as Handyman manager.

We told him about the wood we had and he asked us to slot them in by using the Turbine Access Panel. We did that as it was nearby and he was pleased. The machinery was working again.

All that was left to do was to teach the Hodes a lesson. He stared out towards the Hode Refuge below. Time to jump down there again!

Friday 19 May 2023

393 xenoblade - hunting racti lexos at eryth sea for lexos beards

Dear Readers,

We went hunting for more Racti Lexos. We needed their beards this time.

We started on Hovering Isle 5. We had to drop to the island below in the water and lure it to the shore. It didn't have what we wanted.

Then we warped to Hovering Reef 9. We hunted it but no luck in drops there either.

Next was Soltnar Seal Island and we waited on luring the Lexos there until the creature was far away from the Kromars. We didn't want them getting stuck in. This time we got one of the drops.

Next was Sleeping Dragon Isle. It's a lot of fun jumping off the hovering islands into the sea! I nearly always enjoy it unless I don't know if I'm going the right way for something. I had to lure the Lexos here away from the huge turtle. I didn't want that thing anywhere near us. We lured the Lexos successfully and got the drop! Woo!

Thursday 18 May 2023

392 xenoblade - researching racti lexos for lexos beards

Dear Readers,

We decided to gather 2 Lexos Beards from Racti Lexos at Eryth Sea for a quest.

I fought these guys before but I don't remember them from other monsters or where exactly I fought them, so I looked them up again. So glad to be able to look it up handy on the internet!

I found that they're on Sleeping Dragon Isle, Soltnar Seal Island, Hovering Reefs 5 and 9. All times of the day and night too. On we go!

Wednesday 17 May 2023

391 xenoblade - hunting orluga for their slacks at eryth sea

Dear Readers,

We went hunting for the Orluga, starting with Soltnar Seal Island. It wasn't the best place to look because of all the Hodes that got in the way and the strong winged enemy that was patrolling the place. This place has one of those towers we also saw on Khatori Seal Island.

After that, we went to Hode Refuge and there were plenty of Orluga there to beat up. We got on much better there and should've went there in the first place for the slacks.

While we were there, we noticed something there with an ancient insignia on it. Was it a door or something? No idea what it was but it was sealed. Might look into it later.

Tuesday 16 May 2023

390 xenoblade - deciding on the orluga slacks mission

Dear Readers,

Time to steal more clothes from Orlugas! This time it was Orlugas in Eryth Sea and we needed 3 Orluga Slacks.

I looked up which ones dropped the slacks and I got Funeral Gozra(probably a boss monster), Pulse Orluga and Tocos Orluga.

I decided on the Tocos ones. They're found at Khatori Seal Island and Hode Refuge. On we go!

Monday 15 May 2023

389 xenoblade - hunting terra orlugas and stealing their clothes

Dear Readers,

We warped to the village entrance in Makna Forest and hunted Terra Orlugas to get them to drop their grass skirts. Don't judge. Someone in Alcamoth wanted them. I don't remember their name. They have stupid names.

Okay so it turns out on reviewing the quest they don't have a name. Whatever.

Anyway I remember these specific Terra Orlugas when we first arrived in this area and they looked terrifying and huge. Now they're very easy and quick to defeat and we're stealing their clothes.

We managed to get what we needed, which was nice.

Sunday 14 May 2023

388 xenoblade - researching which orlugas drop orluga grass skirts

Dear Readers,

We decided to hunt Orluga in Makna Forest again, this time for a quest asking for 5 Orluga Grass Skirts.

We fought a few Orluga but they weren't dropping anything we wanted! I had to go back to research.

The Orluga in Makna Forest that drop Orluga Grass Skirts are Ashy Orluga, Suelo Orluga and Terra Orluga. The Ashy one was exclusive to another quest. I think we'll go for the Terra Orlugas, as they're not as strong as the other ones.

Terra Orlugas are found north of the village entrance and over in that hard to reach clearing at any time.

I'm glad I can look up this information as I would've been driven demented otherwise.

Saturday 13 May 2023

387 xenoblade - delivering orthlus' liver to zain and kurralth

Dear Readers,

We had to return to Zain and Kurralth with the Orthlus' Liver we salvaged from Colony 9. Had to remember they're by the stairwell near the Fountain of Eternity during the daytime.

They were very happy with what we got them.

Zain said Miriall liked hearing him talk about the stars he sees on his travels. The link came up between them as "acquaintance".

Friday 12 May 2023

386 xenoblade - lengthy battle with flabbergasted jerome

Dear Readers,

Now to hunt the Flabbergasted Jerome. We looked all around Hovering Reef 5 but couldn't find it.

Then we thought of the island underneath this hovering island and dropped down into the little lake at the centre of it. There it was.

This was a very long battle. It usually is pretty long with these cloudy enemies but we had to lure it to the shore so we could fight it but it kept drifting away. Sharla was the only one attacking it for ages.

Plus it kept making us depressed or whatever that status effect is called. I had to go around encouraging everyone to keep going.

On top of that, the shelled enemies got stuck in the fight too. I had to pick them off myself because they were distracting.

We just stuck with it and slowly but surely we defeated the Flabbergasted Jerome. Whew.

Thursday 11 May 2023

385 xenoblade - researching flabbergasted jerome

Dear Readers,

I took on the quest to defeat the Flabbergasted Jerome. But first, I had to research it.

It's on Hovering Reef 5 at Eryth Sea, it's one of those atmospheric aura cloud thingies, it appears at all times except during thunderstorms.

That's it. Let's go get it!

Wednesday 10 May 2023

384 xenoblade - hunting maleza kromars

Dear Readers,

This next quest is so similar to the last one, I didn't bother with much research. I just went hunting for these Kromars on Reefs 6, 7, 8 and Soltnar Seal Island.

Again, their friends of similar shape but often with different names joined in to fight. We dealt with them all handily as we were more than strong enough at this point.

Jumping to different hovering reefs, we got enough of them to complete the quest. Next!

Tuesday 9 May 2023

383 xenoblade - hunting palti kromars

Dear Readers,

We went to the one on 7 but it had cohorts to be defeated for other quests too. They were still Kromars but had different names. I couldn't really tell the difference between them otherwise.

Anyway, one of them had boss music and when we beat that one up, the regular battle music came back, which was kinda cool.

There were more to defeat for the quest quota, so we went to reef 8. The one there was guarding a portal with its cohort of a different name but more or less the same creature. They always let us pass no worries, but this time we had to beat one of them up. Then the other one joined in so we had to beat that one up too.

Similar story on reef 6 when we went there.

Then we went to Soltnar Seal Island, the main hangout of these guys and beat up another 2 of them there. That was more than enough.

Monday 8 May 2023

382 xenoblade - researching palti kromars

Dear Readers,

I decided to go to Eryth Sea and defeat 5 Palti Kromars for a quest. I just had to look them up first.

I learned they're found on Hovering Reefs 6, 7 and 8 and on Soltnar Seal Island at all times.

On to the hunt!

Sunday 7 May 2023

381 xenoblade - finding the deinos hook

Dear Readers,

This next quest takes place in Frontier Village itself! A Nopon villager lost their Deinos Hook and asked us to find it for them.

I looked it up and learned it's found at the Apex Lake at the very top of the village, towards the south.

We warped there and there it was immediately! Nice and easy!

I haven't really mingled with any of the Nopon here yet. In due course!

Saturday 6 May 2023

380 xenoblade - hunting itmos upa for upa embers

Dear Readers,

Now to hunt for those Itmos Upa for their Upa Embers.

First we went to the watering hole. We got two here before we ran out of Upas.

Then we warped to Makna Falls and fought more on the beach. Nothing.

Then we went downriver to hunt Upas along the banks. It was a very pleasant experience doing this. There were big brogs along the way too but they were peaceful enough.

It took us a while to get the drops we wanted but it was good fun. That happens a lot with this game; I'll get bored and drop it for a while and then I'll find stuff I like from it and keep going. That's a thing I always hope for, to hit my stride and keep playing.

Anyway, next quest!

Friday 5 May 2023

379 xenoblade - researching itmos upa

Dear Readers,

Next challenge was to grab 3 Upa Embers from Upa in Makna Forest. It didn't specify which type of Upa, which was annoying so I looked it up and became considerably less annoyed.

Itmos Upa are the ones in Makna Forest. They all look like lizards with the head of an angler fish. These ones come out at all times of the day and night but not during heatwaves. I can see they're found along the banks of the river and around the Eks watering hole. I'm very happy to have decent access to information. Makes me way less annoyed.

Egad why couldn't this game have a built-in bestiary with maps? It badly needs it.

Thursday 4 May 2023

378 xenoblade - hunting the lazy bluco

Dear Readers,

We warped to the Glowmoss Trihenge and hiked to the Yellow Flower Grove in search of the Lazy Bluco for a quest. We had to do it at night as well.

On the way there I recalled all those failed attempts at the first Telethia battle. Wow that was annoying back then. Made me give up the game for ages too. Glad we got past it. It was those Deinos Sauros chasing us around back then too.

We got to the flowery grove and out popped one of elucas, a huge one. Fighting it wasn't too much of a hassle, which was nice. The other elucas didn't bother us either, which was also pretty nice.

That's that one out of the way. Next!

Wednesday 3 May 2023

377 xenoblade - researching the lazy bluco

Dear Readers,

Next challenge was the Lazy Bluco. I looked it up.

It comes out only at night, it's in the east part of Makna Forest, and it's at the Yellow Flower Grove.

It's one of those big centipede crawly thingies. On we go! To the hunt!

Tuesday 2 May 2023

376 xenoblade - hunting breezy zolos without getting killed by deinos sauros

Dear Readers,

We went after the Breezy Zolos, engaged in battle with it, got a good few hits in and with a chain attack even, but then, the nearby LV90+ Deinos Sauros joined in and slaughtered us. Oops.

We tried it again and kept the Deinos in frame in case it attacked again. As we fought the Breezy Zolos, we could see the Deinos Sauros approach slowly from the background. It was pretty funny. Of course, we had to flee when the huge creature got involved again.

We stayed away for a while until the Deinos stomped past and had its tail to us, then we attacked the Breezy Zolos again, defeating it this time.

I got the "Need... More... Treasure" achievement for obtaining 50 super rare treasure chests. Hooray!

Also, Deinos Sauros is just such a funny name. It fits in this game's way of trying to make strong enemies sound fancy and it's also just so silly.

Monday 1 May 2023

375 xenoblade - researching breezy zolos

Dear Readers,

The next challenge was to bash the Breezy Zolos near Windmill Pavilion in Makna Forest.

I looked it up and it looks just like any other Eks and they're found at any time in all weathers. Let's go!