Friday 12 May 2023

386 xenoblade - lengthy battle with flabbergasted jerome

Dear Readers,

Now to hunt the Flabbergasted Jerome. We looked all around Hovering Reef 5 but couldn't find it.

Then we thought of the island underneath this hovering island and dropped down into the little lake at the centre of it. There it was.

This was a very long battle. It usually is pretty long with these cloudy enemies but we had to lure it to the shore so we could fight it but it kept drifting away. Sharla was the only one attacking it for ages.

Plus it kept making us depressed or whatever that status effect is called. I had to go around encouraging everyone to keep going.

On top of that, the shelled enemies got stuck in the fight too. I had to pick them off myself because they were distracting.

We just stuck with it and slowly but surely we defeated the Flabbergasted Jerome. Whew.

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