Thursday 4 May 2023

378 xenoblade - hunting the lazy bluco

Dear Readers,

We warped to the Glowmoss Trihenge and hiked to the Yellow Flower Grove in search of the Lazy Bluco for a quest. We had to do it at night as well.

On the way there I recalled all those failed attempts at the first Telethia battle. Wow that was annoying back then. Made me give up the game for ages too. Glad we got past it. It was those Deinos Sauros chasing us around back then too.

We got to the flowery grove and out popped one of elucas, a huge one. Fighting it wasn't too much of a hassle, which was nice. The other elucas didn't bother us either, which was also pretty nice.

That's that one out of the way. Next!

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