Sunday 5 March 2023

318 xenoblade - finally defeating the gentle rodriguez!

Dear Readers,

Since we were in the area, my thoughts went back all the way to the Gentle Rodriguez, the massive frog lurking on the northern end of Agora Shore in a cave. We were finally stronger than it! I thought, why not kick its butt now?

And we did! We marched all the way up there, picked off the other smaller frog enemies in the area before picking a fight with the massive Gentle Rodriguez.

It was in a pretty tight spot so it wasn't easy getting side and rear hits while adjusting the camera. I even lost consciousness at one point but Reyn helped me up. I did my best to keep everyone healthy and safe while landing lots of my own hits on the creature. We eventually defeated it, accomplishing what we couldn't near the start of the game. It's always a nice thing when that happens!

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