Monday 6 March 2023

319 xenoblade - making sonia and liliana happy again with memories of their late husband and father

Dear Readers,

Now that we had defeated the Gentle Rodriguez, there was nothing keeping us from getting the item behind it that we needed for a quest.

This quest was the precious item for Sonia. It was a message in a bottle from her late husband. Not sure how it ended up in a place like this cave with a huge frog guarding it. Or at least, I don't remember. It's been so long since I did anything with this quest.

I showed it to the daughter Liliana first and it was just a recipe for cabbage parcels. She said it would remind Sonia of the father anyway so she asked me to show it to her.

I showed it to Sonia and it sparked a memory of her late husband proposing to her. He said he wanted to eat her cabbage parcels everyday, so she wrote out the recipe for him. He then got on one knee and said it was his way of proposing to her, calling her a silly nincompoop! She was charmed with the memory.

Next, I had to return to Liliana to tell her and she was very happy that it reminded Sonia of Liliana's late father. The affinity chart entry changed and it was a "Happy family" link between mother and daughter with a green smiley instead of the red frowny face. Nice happy ending to this little side story.

I chatted with Liliana and Sonia afterwards. Sonia was surprised Liliana was worried for her sake and Liliana talked about her father being one of the stars in the sky, watching over her and her family always until the day they die too. She would look out her window at night at her father up in the stars. Aw....

That gave me a nice sentimental feeling! I'm glad I was able to enjoy something else about this game again!

Now, I must look up cabbage parcels... They must be very good, right?

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