Wednesday 9 August 2023

475 xenoblade - the frozen wall at the tower

Dear Readers,

We continued past the geyser on the path towards the tower, with more downhill sloping.

We met a pretty tough bird called the Atomizek Ansel. Nearly killed us a few times. We made it daytime and it seemed to change a little bit. The spelling of its name became different at least.

Pretty soon after the geyser we found a pass that led to the tower.

A cutscene played where we came across an area that was frozen over. Alvis said we needed to melt it and told us to collect a Magma Rock from a cave near a geyser. Is it the same geyser we passed on the way here or a different geyser?

Saying we need to look for a geyser when we just passed one is kinda silly haha.

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