Tuesday 15 August 2023

481 xenoblade - metal face revealed! no surprise whatsoever lol

Dear Readers,

We continued hiking from Nofol Tower towards Sword Valley. When we got to the next story point a cutscene played where the Mechon with Fiora inside showed up!

She flew all the way here to talk to us. She didn't seem to know that the Homs inside her was Fiora or who Fiora even was but she wanted to talk to us about something.

Suddenly, Metal Face showed up! He had followed her here! He held her hostage and threatened her life if we didn't hand over the Monado.

I sank the Monado into the snow and stepped back, demanding he release Fiora. He took the Monado and revealed himself, the Homs inside. It was Mumkhar, revealed at last in the story with a big shock to the characters, but anyone could figure out it was him from the intro. I mightn't remember his name, but of course I could see he was the "evil sounding one" from the opening scenes.

Melia launched an attack at him for killing her father and I snatched the Monado back. He was not happy. He brought out his weapon, some kind of Wolverine-like hand blade thingies. It was boss time once again.

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