Friday 18 August 2023

484 xenoblade - the stupid slide to the antol den

Dear Readers,

Next on the list were Ent Antols. I didn't know where to find them so I looked them up. They had their own den and the only way to get there was by jumping off the obnoxious ice slide at the right time.

I fell off this slide several times. Using it barely feels like anything. The characters just stand up straight on their feet while using it. I just kept thinking how it was nothing like the slides from Super Mario 64. There was barely any feeling to it.

Also, jumping off it was a nightmare. I had to get speed and then jump at the end without bumping off of anything. I couldn't try to get speed before the bend so I accelerated immediately after. With that we just about made it. Many other attempts launched us through the tunnel into the Nopon camp. Very glad to have fast travel to zip back up to the top.

Slides are supposed to be fun. This one wasn't that fun. Not like the ones in Super Mario 64 anyway.

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