Wednesday 23 August 2023

489 xenoblade - hiking to befalgar pedestal

Dear Readers,

We decided to do the fun-sounding hiking quest. It ended up having it's own frustrations and boredoms.

We went back up to the start of the mountain area. This was where Befalgar Pedestal and Kana Peak were. We headed down normally towards the red exclamation marks and got to several dead ends.

We even found Antols we needed for the quest earlier. We didn't need to go on that stupid slide at all for them! It fact, it turns out the upper level is crawling with them! Gah!

We warped back to the top and followed hillside paths and bridges that seemed to lead towards Befalgar Pedestal. Along the way, we reached one of those dead ends where the ledge is too high to climb, which was just the dumbest thing.

The next dumbest thing was finding a climbable wall, which looked like pretty much any other wall on the mountain but it had the climbing icon on it to tell you that it was climbable. After playing Breath of the Wild it really shows the age of this game.

Anyway we followed the paths until we got to that weird abandoned-looking pedestal. The view was indeed nice and the place was indeed treacherous looking.

That's one of the two places done!

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