Thursday 10 August 2023

476 xenoblade - searching for magma rock in lava cave

Dear Readers,

We looked for the Magma Rock and found the Lava Cave. It was a big contrast to the snowy wilderness outside.

We scrapped with a Noto Feris and got the Feris Aged Ale for the freezing Nopon. There were Hoxes here we needed to fight for other items.

We got the story quest area and saw there was a big creature in the way. Probably a boss so I saved.

This creature was called a Conflagrant Raxeal and it was LV45. It was definitely in the way so we picked a fight with it.

We got our butts kicked. It didn't help that there were Nebulae getting tangled in the fight and party members were going into the freaking lava and just standing there. We'll have to do this in parts.

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