Friday 30 December 2016


Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about our first bit of progress in the game.

After mingling around Altair, we learned about surrounding towns and where to go next. It felt like for now we should be getting used to the current surroundings on the world map.

The world map theme is just beautiful and haunting and lonely. Compare this to the overworld theme from the first Final Fantasy! The music there was just a big happy and adventuresome march. It's a lot more serious here. There is a war going on and an evil empire is trying to take over the world.

I also like that the menu doesn't have its own theme, so the area's theme isn't interrupted.

Some of the first monsters we met were the standard Goblins and other enemies like Leg Eaters and Hornets. The Hornets can poison us but the effects of poison wear off when the battle is over, so we didn't have to deal with deteriorating health while walking around. I quite like this :) mostly because we didn't have any antidotes or anything like that yet!

The encounters are quite startling when they strike. Just this fast PSSSSHHHH! transition I'm not used to yet, but I am thankful that it is very fast. The battle theme itself gives a sense of high danger and emergency.

A beginner to Final Fantasy II would definitely feel nervous of the battles for many reasons, not least of which being the opening unwinnable battle against the Soldiers. It's weird how Maria didn't get wiped out on the first turn like the rest of us. Maybe it's to show how futile our attacks were against them.

We walked and battled while exploring forests and marshes surrounding Altair. We saved up money to buy Broadswords and Cure magic for everybody.

We went back to the wise old men and I realised that the Spirit stat only increases if we use Cure during battles. So from now on I'm concentrating on only healing within battles. Hope it works out well...

After some wandering, we made it to Gatrea. It's some kind of progress anyway. We also saw an airship flying overhead while wandering around! It'd be nice to get one of those at some point!

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