Friday 23 December 2016


Dear Readers,

It's time to wrap things up for Final Fantasy, but first let's check out the secret minigame.

It's a fun little distraction, a slide puzzle with 15 tiles to arrange in ascending order. It can be accessed by going onto the ship, holding the A button, and pressing the B button 23 times.

I wonder why you have to be on the ship? Maybe the light warriors play games when there's nothing else to do on a boat journey.

It's nicely presented. It's got the prologue screen, the Cornelia bridge building music, a table of the best times and a win ratio.

Not sure why the win ratio is there. The only way to lose is by quitting the game and it'll never be 100% if you quit, ever!

But yeah, you can win prizes and money for playing. We won some eye drops when we played. It wasn't a good record! The top time is 30 seconds... I can't really imagine beating a time like that right now... I like how it's in nearly every single version of Final Fantasy as well :)

Gonna start on Final Fantasy II soon and I'm sticking with the Dawn Of Souls compilation for GBA.

For now I'm finished with Final Fantasy. Thanks for reading about my adventures in this game!

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