Saturday 1 October 2022

163 xenoblade - exploring makna forest with sharla and melia

Dear Readers,

We went back to Makna Forest in order to explore it and complete more quests. I also tried having Sharla and Melia in the party for a while to raise their affinities with one another for another quest from way back in Colony 9.

Pretty soon I found an Ash Fox which finished another quest.

We went exploring the overgrowth of the forest to beat more enemies and obtain items for other quests. 

At one point I got a vision of Sharla talking about getting the second lot of Green Eluca Juice for a quest. She wondered if Deki expected Ababa to drink something so strong.

We found a path to go up a tree where a Jungle Quadwing was waiting for us. It knocked me down off the tree but the others were able to finish it off. We had enough of them beaten to complete a quest too which was nice.

Up in the branches of the tree there were items for quests and I kept falling off because of other party members were getting in the way. Yeesh!

This path up the tree allowed us to access a tunnel that led all the way to a secluded cliff. From that point there was yet another little tunnel that led to an even more secluded cliff. This was called the Divine Sanctuary. We picked on some Vangs along the way. I wouldn't have been able to find this without the map! Hard to notice anything with all the dense overgrowth in the way.

While up here, night fell and I got a vision of Dunban collecting four benign crickets. He wondered what kind of offering Pipiki wanted to make with these.

A part of the cliff jutted out and it was the area Satata was talking about when he wanted me to cast the mushroom cap. I said rest in peace to the departed member of his family and did what he wanted me to do. It was a nice thing to do. I'll catch up with him later to mark the quest complete.

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