Tuesday 25 October 2022

187 xenoblade - doing some gem crafting to clear out inventory

Dear Readers,

It took me three months to get back into playing this game again. Between November 2023 and now, February 2024. There was Christmas and a lot of stress and everything, but it was always somewhere in the back of my mind that I wanted to do and I wanted to continue keeping a diary of it too. Anyway, let's continue.

I got Sharla and Reyn to do some gem crafting because I wanted to raise their affinity and to clear out excess inventory.

I did this quite a few times and made gems and cylinders and whatever else. It didn't feel fun to do at all and it just felt like doing excessive busywork. Excessive busywork can be fun but this particular thing is just not fun and feels pointless.

Anyway, it didn't raise their affinity level so again I'm confused and annoyed.

At the very least I managed to clear out some inventory.

Let's continue and hope I get less confused and annoyed.

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