Friday 7 October 2022

169 xenoblade - teaching ababa a nice lesson

Dear Readers,

We checked on Deki to see how he was getting on with his new friend, Ababa, but it seemed he wasn't happy since he had a quest.

The problem was, Deki liked bugs as friends, whereas Ababa liked bugs for eating. He wanted our help to teach him a lesson. We agreed to grab 2 lots of Green Eluca Juice, which we were told was very hot.

We took the juice to Ababa. He was nervous about drinking it and he found it very hot but he loved it. He said he'd recommend it to Deki. Uh-oh, looks like the plan backfired.

We went back to Deki...and by the way, Deki is up during the day and Ababa is up during the night, so we had to change the clock every time we wanted to speak to the other one, which was another tedious rigmarole.

The link on the affinity chart between them became one of outrage. Yikes. Deki was still very upset with Ababa for eating bugs, but he appreciated what we did for him.

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