Wednesday 12 October 2022

174 xenoblade - observing the hodes and their orlugas

Dear Readers,

Back to exploring. We used the network of bridges to access a hard to reach area to the north of the Clear Waterfall. There wasn't anything particularly special there, day or night. Maybe a quest takes place there later? I dunno.

We then went south and discovered Precipice Bridge. In this area we saw more Orluga variants and these little guys called Bois Hodes.

We found lots of Kelp Mushrooms in this area and finished that quest for Kofuko at the Sacred Altar.

We discovered the Hode Lair, guarded by two Orlugas and the Abyss Basin nearby.

Lots of Orlugas and Hodes were frolicking about here. It seems like the little Hodes have the giant Orlugas tamed like beasts, which was interesting to see.

This entire part of the forest was explored now, so we went back to cash in with Kofuko.

After searching in the affinity chart (he's in the bottom left), we found him near the Sacred Altar at night. He was happy with the mushy mushrooms but was sad his teeth were so bad he couldn't eat the chewy ones anymore. Aw... 

We had something else to talk to him about. The water under the altar was bad and it was because of him. He wanted ingredients to make it good and gave us suggestions.

Suddenly I got a vision of Migaga tasting something really sweet, saying she didn't like Jollyade. The others didn't like it either and they were feeling dizzy and sick. Yikes... better not mess it up.

I had the choice of the easy-to-find 4 Walnut Grapes or the rare delicacy 2 Bitter Kiwis. I agreed to the quest generally. It was weird he wanted to make alcohol in the water under the altar.

It turns out I had the grapes at least. I better think about this one... maybe even look up a walkthrough for tips.

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