Wednesday 5 October 2022

167 xenoblade - fetch quests for dobadoba and lupa

Dear Readers,

Chatting with more Nopon for quests in their village.

Dobadoba on 4F talked about pollen orbs and was very passionate about it. We agreed to grab 5 lots of Yellow Pollen at Yellow Flower Grove in Makna Forest for him. Things were a bit dangerous for them to do it. He said Yellow Flower Grove was out of Windmill Pavilion and upstream towards the waterfall before taking a right. Whew.

We met Dabidabi who was gonna jump off from a great height into the water. He was on 7F.

Lupa had a quest for us. She wanted us to bring her grampypon in Colony 6 some Secret Nopon Elixir, provided he was still alive. She also wanted us to help her gather ingredients for it. We accepted all that. She wanted us to find 5 Hades Beetles, 3 All-Seeing Eyes(which we had), and 2 lots of Potent Brog Poison from Poison Brogs in Satori Marsh. The rest were in Makna Forest.

Dedeba had praise for Bana and this updated in the affinity chart.

Chatting to NPCs here is exhausting. They're all tiny and look the same, some have quests, most don't have quests but may affect the affinity chart so I have to chat to them twice in a row... they're spread across all these little floors in the big tree and I haven't gone below or outside to talk to the other ones yet to see if they have any more quests themselves...

I've only chatted to a few since we came back and already I feel like I've done a long day's work.

Oh, and another thing, they have different schedules depending on if it's day or night. Whew...

I used to love day/night cycles in RPGs. Why are they so tiresome now?

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