Friday 30 June 2023

435 xenoblade - mechon attack at eryth sea

Dear Readers,

I wasn't allowed to use fast travel because of the story, so we had to walk out of Alcamoth.

A scene played where the masked Mechon and a female Mechon cohort were being surrounded by High Entia defence machines like flies. The Mechon attacked and destroyed many of them.

Melia told us we had to release the seals on Khatori and Soltnar Islands in order to reach Prison Island. I knew exactly where she was talking about. I didn't get story quests in a very long time!

Fast travel became available again and we got slightly different dialogue from NPCs in the area. I wish they were more interesting and less painfully boring to talk to.

Thursday 29 June 2023

434 xenoblade - talking to lesunia as melia

Dear Readers,

We had Melia in the party now so I wanted to speak to Lesunia as her.

Lesunia was fairly dismissive of Melia's "stunted" head wings and said she could tolerate speaking to her if we brought her 2 pieces of Marine Marble from Eryth Sea. Yeesh. Didn't she know she was speaking with royalty?

Anyway, I'm glad we can get this quest going at long last.

Wednesday 28 June 2023

433 xenoblade - deciding to follow melia's father to prison island

Dear Readers,

We looked for Melia's father but learned he was gone to Prison Island alone.

Alvis explained that her father knew what was going to happen to him but went anyway to fulfil his destiny and carry out his duty as leader. Melia protested and Dunban spoke up.

Dunban said he wasn't going to follow destiny and encouraged us as Homs to go and help him as we weren't bound by their laws. We were all with him with Melia declaring "To Prison Island!"

We were able to explore around here at last. We could interact with Kallian and Lorithia and take a teleporter to find another high place. Couldn't jump from there though.

Tuesday 27 June 2023

432 xenoblade - checking out melia's villa, continuing with story

Dear Readers,

I decided to go with the story again. I want this game to end. Also, I don't think I'm going to miss out on anything else at this point.

Post 278 is when I decided to put the story on hold to do missions. Yikes.

So here we are, at Melia's place. The Mechon attacked and now we have joined up with her and are on our way to stop her father ending up like in one of my visions.

I had a look around Melia's villa first. Heart-to-heart spot not yet available and a big garden with water feature. The building was weird, like some big gazebo. Probably another part to it we can't access somehow.

We ran back to the hall which took a while and learned that the Mechon weren't attacking Alcamoth. Emergency wasn't happening here right now then.

Monday 26 June 2023

431 xenoblade - location of pepa and her quest

Dear Readers,

I got angry at this game again trying to find Pepa. She was the "cutest" Nopon for another quest but she had a quest of her own. It was called "Decoration Makeover".

She wanted a list of cute things. We had all of them except for Enigma Lotuses. We'll look for them later.

She was on 6F by the door for outside.

Sunday 25 June 2023

430 xenoblade - unlocking leku's quests

Dear Readers,

We spoke to Leku in Frontier Village for a quest. He gave us "Leku's Food Crisis".

We agreed to grab 10 Peachy Leg Joints from Deinoses in Makna Forest. 

We already had them so we gave them to him to finish the quest.

He had another quest, "Hunt for a Patron". He wanted us to ask for help from other villagers. We agreed to it. We had to have chinwags with the cleverest, strongest and cutest Nopons in the village. Sounds fun. Will do!

Must remember Leku is on 5F during the day.

Saturday 24 June 2023

429 xenoblade - enjoying the "what's on reyn's mind" heart-to-heart

Dear Readers,

We warped to the refugee camp on the Bionis Leg to see if there were any quests. There wasn't, but the heart-to-heart titled "What's on Reyn's Mind" was finally available! I had a look.

Sharla and Reyn talked about stuff. She said Reyn reminded her of Gadolt. Reyn asked Sharla who would win in a fight between him and Gadolt and I had to choose for her. I said Reyn would, by a whisker. She joked about him and his hard head. He asked about his other qualities and I had her say he had dignified qualities. This led to some joking around including her saying he could be Juju's father someday. They laughed it off and told each other they were glad they met one another, which was nice!

Nice warm conversation between them. He does want to impress her when we're in battle which is fun to see.

This was my first heart-to-heart in a very long time. I wanna see more of them.

Friday 23 June 2023

428 xenoblade - confusion in colony 9 quests

Dear Readers,

I looked up more Colony 9 quests and there are some I haven't seen before and some that look like they should already be finished near the start of the game, like the ones about getting to know characters. I'm trying to make sense of them but they don't quite match with what's in the quest list. Some of them don't even have prerequisites.

I'm gonna look up quests in other areas. I already checked Tephra Cave too and that has prerequisites like advancing the story a bit more. 

Thursday 22 June 2023

427 xenoblade - unlocking désirée's future

Dear Readers,

This quest was all about just chatting with Désirée for a long time to unlock the quest. After that, a choice will come up about her becoming a soldier or a sculptor. That's interesting. Also her father's Xord? That's... pretty unfortunate.

I'll decide on advice later. For now I just wanted to unlock the quest. Next!

Wednesday 21 June 2023

426 xenoblade - unlocking zukazu's brother fight quest

Dear Readers,

I unlocked "A Big Brother's Fight" by chatting wth Zukazu at night. He wanted me to find a Red Pollen Orb. I agreed to do it for him. This is a timed quest so I should be careful with this one.

During the conversation I got a vision of him standing over who I guess was his brother, lying on the ground in defeat. Not sure what to make of all this really.

Anyway next quest!

Tuesday 20 June 2023

425 xenoblade - looking up "the old soldier's test"

Dear Readers,

I looked up "The Old Soldier's Test" to see if I can unlock it.

After a lot of reading, it seems that I can't. I chose a different route in conversations when I spoke to the characters another time, so I can't do the quest. I don't really mind. I think I prefer the decisions I made when I chatted with the characters way back when. Then again I'm not sure if this is correct or not.

Ok then next quest.

Monday 19 June 2023

424 xenoblade - unlocking "a young captain's challenge"

Dear Readers,

I looked up the quest list for Colony 9 and yes there's stuff I missed!

I decided to unlock the "Birthday Shoes" quest. I talked to Kantz and there was nothing unlocking. I then researched further and found there were prerequisite quests that became available later in the story. I wasn't ready for this one at all.

The good news is that Emmy Leater had a quest! She was talking about her upcoming test for lieutenant colonel. I got a vision where she lost to Kantz. I told her about it. Then she talked about preparing equipment. I then got a vision where she won! The difference was that Kantz was on the ground instead!

Kantz does seem pretty arrogant. I agreed to find a Nopon Claymore or a Carbo Shield for her.

Next quest!

Sunday 18 June 2023

423 xenoblade - eryth sea quests at a glance

Dear Readers,

I decided to unlock some quests at Eryth Sea, since it's so close to Alcamoth. Maybe there's some time sensitive ones here too.

I looked up the list and it all seems to be either advanced or somewhere later in the story after the stuff in Alcamoth happens. There's also stuff that I've finished already.

No worries. I'll look up quests from another area.

Saturday 17 June 2023

422 xenoblade - lightspeed sonid still kicks our butts

Dear Readers,

I had another go the Lightspeed Sonid again. We levelled up a bit since last time.

It was still no good though. It still wiped the floor with us.

That's it for quests in Alcamoth for now. We can't do the one with Lesunia either until we meet up with Melia.

What to do now? Might do some quests at Eryth Sea and earlier areas.

Our levels right now are all 47.

Friday 16 June 2023

421 xenoblade - i missed out on "protect the capital!"

Dear Readers,

I just learned that I missed out on this quest because I reported to Lecrough before defeating the extra monsters he told me about, namely the Bono Nebulae, which aren't the same as but named very similarly to the Buono Nebulae. I'm told it's a quest you can only do during the "Brave Actions" quest. It doesn't even show up before you do it.

Why is the game so awkward like this? How am I supposed to know beforehand?

I'm annoyed enough with this game already and now it has to do something that just plain sucks like this.

Thursday 15 June 2023

420 xenoblade - mir'leiz now has two instructors

Dear Readers,

We went back to Lecrough after defeating the Buono Nebulae. He was pretty happy and offered to train us for the Imperial Guard! Very kind of him. He asked us to tell Mir'leiz the good news so we warped to him and he was happy too.

Mir'leiz said Lecrough offered to train him too so now he had two instructors. Hooray! Quest done!

Wednesday 14 June 2023

419 xenoblade - hunting buono nebulae

Dear Readers,

We went hunting the Buono Nebulae. We had to beat two of them.

They were very easy to find and fight. However, they tend to inflict some kind of depression status effect very easily and we all have to go around cheering each other  up. Not so easy to land side or back attacks on them just by looking at them either. Instead you have to look at where they're targeting and then you can suss their sides and backsides.

At one point a thunderstorm started while fighting these and they transformed into much stronger enemies! I had to order everyone to run away!

We caught up after I changed the time to a less stormy hour of the day and defeated what we needed to for the quest.

Tuesday 13 June 2023

418 xenoblade - researching buono nebulae

Dear Readers,

As part of the "Brave Actions" quest I went to speak with Lecrough. I had to meet him by the stairs in the imperial palace during the day.

I warped there and he said he was ashamed they weren't able to defeat the monsters themselves. He said they were Buono Nebulae and there were a lot of them. He asked us to defeat some Bono Nebulae as well, which sounds kind of confusing and makes me feel like there's a typo somewhere.

On the quest log it said 2 Buono Nebulae so that's what I'll go for. I looked them both up and they are two distinct species. The weaker ones are LV 33-34 and the stronger ones are LV35. Nothing too bad. They're found at all times except during thunderstorms. They're found on Latael Shore, the shore north of the Ether Plant, Sleeping Dragon Isle, Hovering Reef 5, Secluded Island and Anu Shore. Lots of places. Ok then! Let's go!

Monday 12 June 2023

417 xenoblade - mir'leiz begins his training

Dear Readers,

Caul was delighted to see the teaching materials we had for him. He was stunned we were just going to give them to him free of charge. He was happy to start Mir'leiz's training.

We changed the time to day and warped to Mir'leiz. He heard the news and was really excited to begin his training. Hooray quest done!

After this, Mir'leiz had another quest for us. He was worried about all the monsters appearing all over the place. We agreed to speak to Lecrough to help out.

Sunday 11 June 2023

416 xenoblade - hunting perna elucas for murky water drops

Dear Readers,

We went hunting for Perna Elucas for their murky water drops. I played as Riki so I could increase our chances.

We fought lots of them and got lots of scratched jewels. That was the more common drop and steal.

At one point, during a thunderstorm on Hovering Reef 3, a Bulganon Nebula got tangled up in the fight and I had to order everyone to run! I even got a death vision and I wasn't even playing as Shulk! Interesting...

Some hodes got in the way too which made the battles a bit longer. Ah well.

Eventually we got all the drops we needed. Funnily enough, none of the steals were what we needed. Oh well. Still fun to play as Riki and I got some different dialogue between characters for a change.

Saturday 10 June 2023

415 xenoblade - researching caul's teaching materials

Dear Readers,

I decided to to the "Teaching Materials" quest for Mir'leiz. I had to speak to Caul.

I looked up Caul and he's found north of the palace entrance during nighttime, so I made the warp and change to the clock.

We spoke to him and he needed 3 lots of Murky Eluca Water from Perna Elucas at Eryth Sea. This was for the teaching materials. I can't imagine what kind of teaching materials these were. It doesn't matter from the game's perspective though, since an item is an item, no matter how it's described.

I looked up the Perna Elucas to remind myself what they were. They're the crawly thingies on the beach. They're at Latael Shore, Hovering Reef 3 and 6 at all times. The drop seems kinda rare so I'll use Riki's Yoink! move again.

Friday 9 June 2023

414 xenoblade - giving elior the stronger telescope

Dear Readers,

We headed back to Kaleka with the part he needed for the telescope. He was excited to get to work on it.

He did his work and gave us the Stronger Telescope to give to Elior.

We went back to Elior, changed the time to daytime and gave him the telescope. He was absolutely thrilled. The affinity chart updated as well, possibly the link between him and Kaleka with "Kind Person".

All's well that ends well! Next!

Thursday 8 June 2023

413 xenoblade - raiding the second treasury of the high entia tomb

Dear Readers,

We went back to the High Entia Tomb and had to get our bearings again. We had to go to the second treasury, which I had mapped out but there was no passage mapped to it.

After a bit of confusion I remembered that time one of the hallways branched to a room. We warped to the "Tower of Trials - Bridge" landmark and headed west. This corridor branched north to the second treasury. The passage doesn't show on the map though for some weird reason.

I remembered this room had a really hard enemy, the Calm Anzabi. We couldn't beat it before, but we were well able to beat it now! We defeated it and got what we needed for Elior's telescope. We also raided the High Entia Treasure. One of the things here was a "Summon Bolt" which I remember from Melia's attacks. I guess it's for her.

Wednesday 7 June 2023

412 xenoblade - kaleka sends us back to the high entia tomb

Dear Readers,

We sought Kaleka to improve Elior's telescope. We warped to the palace entrance and made it nighttime. Then we headed north until we could find a red exclamation mark. Kaleka was bouncing underneath it.

We talked to him about upgrading and he agreed but he needed materials for it, adding another leg to the quest.

He wanted an attachment part from the second treasury of the High Entia Tomb. On we go...

Tuesday 6 June 2023

411 xenoblade - upgrade for elior's telescope

Dear Readers,

Elior had another quest for us and we took it on.

He wanted improvements to his telescope and asked us to talk to Kaleka the Nopon for help. He sald Kaleka likes stargazing so they're bound to be found at night.

I looked him up and he's found north of the imperial palace during nighttime. Let's go find him!

Monday 5 June 2023

410 xenoblade - giving elior his new telescope

Dear Readers,

With the silver plates, we headed back to Miriall for Elior's telescope. We had to change day to night and go to the south fountain by the palace entrance.

She was happy to see us and made the telescope for Elior.

We warped to the Fountain of Eternity and headed northeast to find Elior. We also had to change the clock back to daytime.

Elior was absolutely thrilled with his telescope which was a great thing. This unlocked another quest from him. I'll check that out next time.

Sunday 4 June 2023

409 xenoblade - hunting stella eks for silver plates

Dear Readers,

We set out to hunt for Stella Eks at Eryth Sea. I wanted Riki to steal silver plates from them.

We went to the usual locations and I used Riki's Yoink! move a lot, but I kept getting meat instead of the silver plates!

I kept at it though and eventually we got the silver plates, though it was from a treasure chest that was dropped. Oh well! We got what we needed so that was fine!

Saturday 3 June 2023

408 xenoblade - making a telescope for elior

Dear Readers,

We went to chat with Miriall on behalf of Elior and his interest in the stars. She advised using a telescope but she only had the one for herself. She asked us to collect 2 Silver Eks Plates from Stella Eks at Eryth Sea, adding a leg onto the quest. With this, she'll be able to make him a telescope of his own! Very kind of her!

Time to research Stella Eks again. I found that the drops are rare enough, so I'm gonna use Riki to hopefully steal the drops from them.

Friday 2 June 2023

407 xenoblade - talia, war god statue lore and affinities with research partners

Dear Readers,

I took an interest in the War God statue thing that Talia was talking about. I decided to chat with her research partners Ruthan and Naroth.

Ruthan was south of the Palace entrance at night. He appreciated us helping Talia out and wanted to continue the research on the War God statue. They realised the one in Satori Marsh was a fake and they wanted to continue deciphering the texts.

Naroth was at the north fountain during the day. He appreciated us saving Talia as well and said her proactive approach was invaluable for their research. He also collaborated with Zain.

Zain was near the Fountain of Eternity during the day and said he was pen pals with Talia. They had common ground with regards to finding things on travels so this helped with the War God statue research as well.

Seemingly innocuous chats, but it all updated stuff on the affinity chart. It'll all build toward something and it's one of the rare times I found something in the game interesting.

Thursday 1 June 2023

406 xenoblade - defeating the dogmatic gogol

Dear Readers,

Now to hunt down the Dogmatic Gogol and rescue the reckless Talia.

We warped to the Glowing Obelisk at Satori Marsh. When we got there I got a vision of Talia! It showed her looking at something guarding what she was going to research from a safe, secret spot. She then decided she wasn't able to research it.

That was a bit of a surprise. We hiked to the spot, past Gogols that were much bigger and stronger than the one we were looking for. We did so unnoticed thankfully.

We also found Talia herself behind a rock near the Dogmatic Gogol. We explained about my vision and she thanked us for coming. She then asked us to eliminate the gogol in question.

And so, we did! The first attempt didn't go so well, because it attracted one of the bigger gogols to the fight. We had to run away.

I then lured the Dogmatic Gogol away from the bigger ones and we were able to defeat it then, clearing the way for Talia.

Talia told us about some of her research, which was about the War God statue. She thought it was here, but it wasn't the real one. She wanted to find the real one.

For now this quest was done. Yay!