Saturday 24 June 2023

429 xenoblade - enjoying the "what's on reyn's mind" heart-to-heart

Dear Readers,

We warped to the refugee camp on the Bionis Leg to see if there were any quests. There wasn't, but the heart-to-heart titled "What's on Reyn's Mind" was finally available! I had a look.

Sharla and Reyn talked about stuff. She said Reyn reminded her of Gadolt. Reyn asked Sharla who would win in a fight between him and Gadolt and I had to choose for her. I said Reyn would, by a whisker. She joked about him and his hard head. He asked about his other qualities and I had her say he had dignified qualities. This led to some joking around including her saying he could be Juju's father someday. They laughed it off and told each other they were glad they met one another, which was nice!

Nice warm conversation between them. He does want to impress her when we're in battle which is fun to see.

This was my first heart-to-heart in a very long time. I wanna see more of them.

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