Thursday 8 June 2023

413 xenoblade - raiding the second treasury of the high entia tomb

Dear Readers,

We went back to the High Entia Tomb and had to get our bearings again. We had to go to the second treasury, which I had mapped out but there was no passage mapped to it.

After a bit of confusion I remembered that time one of the hallways branched to a room. We warped to the "Tower of Trials - Bridge" landmark and headed west. This corridor branched north to the second treasury. The passage doesn't show on the map though for some weird reason.

I remembered this room had a really hard enemy, the Calm Anzabi. We couldn't beat it before, but we were well able to beat it now! We defeated it and got what we needed for Elior's telescope. We also raided the High Entia Treasure. One of the things here was a "Summon Bolt" which I remember from Melia's attacks. I guess it's for her.

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