Sunday 10 January 2016

1 Splatoon - 10 Matches in Squad Battle

Dear Readers,

Let's talk about a Splatoon session I had recently! It's one of the biggest and freshest Nintendo online games of the moment! I played it a lot during the Summer when it came out and it's great fun!

I teamed up with a friend for a Squad Battle. When I started, I was at rank C+. I used the Splattershot Jr. for the whole session.

In the rotation, the stages were Flounder Heights and Hammerhead Bridge and the mode was Tower Control.

Match 1:

First time in Flounder Heights and I had no idea of my bearings! I just skirted along the rooftops, building up my Bubbler. Soon, I saw the enemies on the tower. Between all of us they got splatted, so we took over the tower and rode it to the other side. They tried to reclaim the tower but I put on my Bubbler just in time so they couldn't do anything. This lead to a knockout victory for us! Not bad for my first try on this level!

Match 2:

Flounder Heights. Didn't fare so well this time... I tried to hide and ambush someone on their team but then another member came at from me from behind. I didn't stand a chance there. They took advantage of this setback and rode the tower all the way, knocking us out.

Match 3:

Flounder Heights. I did manage to commandeer the tower and ride it some of the way but I was splatted before I had a chance to activate my Bubbler. I also got disconnected! My friend didn't though and gave me the good news that we won anyway!

Match 4:

First time on Hammerhead Bridge! They had a good Splatterscope user. Was splatted a lot. I did manage to skillfully dodge some Inkzooka blasts but that scope user still got me! Try as I might, I couldn't stop them from riding the tower all the way and knocking us out.

Match 5:

Hammerhead Bridge. It was full on with the heavy artillery here. At one point, I cornered a single enemy that was riding the tower, but just before I splatted them, they managed to launch an Inkstrike right on top of me! Gah! I was too distracted with the tower to notice too! No knockout this time, but we lost 69 to 85.

After this match, Callie and Marie appear in a report with the new rotation! The stages are now Blackbelly Skatepark and Camp Triggerfish and the mode is Splat Zones.

Match 6:

Camp Triggerfish. Much of this match was weeding out sneaky squids and sacrificing myself to keep the Splat Zone secure. In the end we lost 32 to 39. So close! After so many losses, I dropped in rank from C+ to C as well.

Match 7:

Blackbelly Skatepark. On starting, I spent a bit of time making a little ink path and immediately got splatted by a Gold Roller that came out of nowhere! After this I stuck to the middle with the Splat Zones and flitted back and forth, constantly securing and resecuring them. I managed to dodge and splat a lot of the enemy as well. Our team were really powerful during this match! We won 68 to 20! I managed to rank up once more to C+!

Match 8:

Blackbelly Skatepark. Some tough work resecuring the Splat Zones in this match. Especially because of an Octobrush user who always seemed to be on my tail. They didn't get the better of me though, because we got a very close win of 39 to 38! That little bit of overtime helped too!

Match 9:

Blackbelly Skatepark. They had two very skilled snipers on their team so I had to do a lot of hiding while trying to secure Splat Zones from a distance. We lost 35 to 48.

Match 10:

Camp Triggerfish. It was almost impossible to secure anything from them. They were pretty full on with their weapons and ambushed me from behind several times. They were highly alert and ready to make us lose by knockout.

Very fun session and I managed to retain rank C+ after all that! I levelled up to 27 too. My vibe was Toasty, so Judd gave me 100 coins.

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