Friday 22 January 2016

19 Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros - Hammer Bros. stole our moves!

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about running into a bunch of Hammer Bros. and how they stole our moves, leaving us only being able to use defensive manoeuvres while they attack! It's a clever idea!

We're all at about level 10 now. Exploring further to the right, we meet a caged Blue Toad who tells us about this special ore that Bowser's Minions are trying to find. Is it that purple rock we found earlier? The Yellow Toad in another cage nearby says they're being forced to mine this ore. He says he's not cut out for this kind of work and that "I barely even have legs, man!"

All of a sudden, 5 Hammer Bros. confront us. They laugh at us when we get into fighting stance because they stole our move blocks! I love the cartoony shocked look on Mario & Luigi's faces when they see what was stolen!

The mission to retrieve the blocks starts! The Hammer Bros. attack by throwing hammers at us or over our heads. Just need to know when and when not to jump ourselves. From the first guy, we recover the Flee block. It's interesting how we can only use dodge attacks here. From the second guy, we recover Rocket Blast and Drill Shell. I notice that we're able to skip taking our moves by pressing R to idle. Did we have access to that before? I can't really remember. It'll be handy for winning the enemy dodging challenges, which I do on the third guy for the Hammer Bros. challenge. From him we get the Hammer Block back and some Trusty Boots. I give them to Luigi. I give the Retribution Wear to Mario. Forgot that earlier. On engaging the fourth guy, I see that a Paper Hammer Bro has joined him and we can't use idle anymore! That sucks! Getting those challenges will be tougher now! On beating them we get the Trio Kite back. After we beat the fifth guy, we recover everything else.

Now we can try to get out of here! What about those jailtoads though? I guess we'll see later.

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