Monday 11 January 2016

9 Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros - First Lakitu Info Centre missions

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about our time in Toad Village and checking out the Lakitu Info Centre. I like the missions we can do here!

We hang out in Toad Village for a while and have a chat with the residents. One fun-guy(sorry) wants to travel the world. We head into a Green Toad's house. He introduces himself as a know-it-all Toad and we accept his knowledge quiz.

He asks and we answer with the following:

1. What happens when an enemy attacks from behind? We Fall down.
2. What item do Mario and Luigi kick during one of their Bros. Attacks? Red Shell.
3. How did Paper Mario make his first appearance in this adventure? He fluttered down from the sky.
4. Who is this? Nabbit.
5. Where did you first find the book that contained all the paper characters? The storage closet in Peach's Castle.

For getting all the questions right we get some coins and 3 Heart Beans. The Green Toad says there are 4 other know-it-all Toads out there waiting for a challenge, so we'll meet them later.

Speaking to more villagers. One points us to the Lakitu Info Centre. Another tells us about a creepy Toad that disappears when he looks at him.

We head into the item shop. The Green Toad here tells us about the ZL and ZR buttons on a New 3DS. I try using a Circle Pad Pro since it has those buttons. Unfortunately, it doesn't work. :( The other Toad advises us on 1up mushrooms.

The Yellow Toad in the gear shop tells us about shoes and hammers and that Paper Mario has different gear to the rest of us.

I forgot about the Sandwich Boots I found earlier! I give them to Mario. I don't buy anything here.

We head into the Lakitu Info Centre. It's like a newspaper office and the music makes it sound a bit festive, like Santa's Workshop! The Lakitu here offers to help us find the Paper Toads for 5,000 coins. We can't afford it so we try to leave, but Lakitu calls us back and offers us the Stache special, which locates them for 10 coins. Big difference there!

He tells us about quests we can access directly from here, such as finding Paper Toads and doing the quiz from earlier. We can do them in hard mode too. We try the Paper Toad Hide-and-Seek mission, which takes place here in the village.

10 Paper Toads to find here. The first is stuck to the sign of the item shop. He's glad Bowser's minions didn't find him first. Second and Third we find are blue ones hidden behind a rock and they must be chased around the Spinny Flowers. One of them says he knew it was us, he just really likes running. The other says he'd be done for if anyone else besides us caught him. In the pen we find the 4th and 5th. The green 4th one asks what took us so long, the 5th is glad to be found because of bathroom reasons! The 6th is a yellow one wrapped around the white fence. He's quite proud of his hiding place. We can look for them in the houses too. In one house there are normal Toads. The green one says it's a standing party. The yellow one says he hasn't seen this much paper flying around since the great notebook explosion of '03. The blue one wonders what the Paper Toads do when it's windy. The other Toad says we'll have to look really carefully to find the Paper Toads. The 7th is here and is blue, so we have to chase him around the table and catch him. He thought he could hide among the others. We head to the item shop and hear an "OW!". It's the 8th and he congratulates us for being the 42nd, 43rd and 44th people to walk on him today. In the gear shop, we find the 9th on top of a potted plant folded into a pyramid. He thought nobody would find him. The purple 10th one is here too, but we have to tell the shopkeeper to look behind him. That's the mission!

Next we try Paper Toad Pursuit. It takes place in Sunbeam Plains and all the Paper Toads are blue! They stack into three groups of four and start running! We catch the first group and the rest of them decide to split up so that they'll be faster. We herd them and make them stack into each other, making them slow again. Then we catch them all at once, finishing the mission!

When we finish missions, we earn star coins. Not sure what we can use them for yet.

At the other Lakitu desk, we can try more missions. We try the hard version of the Paper Toad Corral mission from earlier. It's a little harder but not too hard of a herding game. We pass it.

We try the harder Paper Toad Pursuit mission too, which uses a time limit. We pass it with about 19.70 seconds left.

Last mission for now is a harder version of the Toad Scholar quiz from earlier. 8 questions this time. Time limit too, so I won't write them down. We manage to pass it and that's all the Lakitu missions for now. Next time we must rendezvous with Toadette back at the papercraft! Lakitu says the Paper Toads we rescued have been working hard at something.

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