Wednesday 27 January 2016

24 Mario & Luigi: Paper Jam Bros - Twinsy Tropics Toad Village

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about exploring the Twinsy Tropics Toad Village.

On the pier, we meet a Paper Toad, talking to himself and having a private soliloquy. He gets startled when he sees us. We both want the same thing: a way to cross the sea and get back to the mainland. He says he can make a boat but he needs more Paper Toads, so we'll have to visit the Lakitu Info Centre here.

The Yellow Toad on the east side of the beach has noticed lots of Bowser's minions appearing in the area lately. The one on the west side says the sea is so beautiful it almost makes him forget about the friends Bowser's minions have captured.

The Blue Toad in front of the western Toad House wonders what Bowser is plotting by kidnapping Toads everywhere. He praises us for releasing all those Toads from prison earlier. The regular Toad here is listening to what the sea is saying. He says it's angry because of Bowser but also says what he hears is his hungry belly growling. Inside the house, the Green Toad tells us about a boat that used to be here but it was washed away in a storm. The Blue Toad here says there are still Toads lost in the Twinsy Tropics dungeon and asks if we would rescue them. On saying yes, a real Toad catching event begins!

The four Toads here are so panicked, we have to herd them to the area below. There's a nice block here that can add extra seconds to the timer. We can't herd the toads out of here because the purple rocks are in the way. Must find a way to deal with them first before doing this event.

Back outside, the Green Toad in front of the shops welcomes us to the tiny shopping district and says they're more about quality than quantity.

In the item shop, the Yellow Toad says he could go for some coconut water right now. The shopkeeper says doesn't the sea air just loosens our purse strings up? Nice sales pitch.

In the gear shop, the Green Toad says there are a lot of employees, but not a lot of customers. Sure enough, the shopkeeper has two Blue Toad employees back there and jokes how we should buy a lot, since he doesn't get many customers. I don't buy anything from these shops and continue looking around the village.

Across the natural bridge, a normal Toad says how he was here on vacation, but then his boat heading home disappeared in a storm, so he's stuck here. He's fine though, as it's stuck in paradise he is! He asks if we're on vacation here too. Not exactly but we are stuck here too. The Blue Toad here is a big fan of battle cards and says we should check out the card shop here. In the Toad House here, a regular Toad asks if we ever heard about an amulet that grants everlasting life and about the pirates here that buried it long ago and how they're now ghosts. Then he says he made it all up to amuse himself as he's bored here! Had me going there! The Yellow Toad here talks about the Lakitu Info Centre here that just popped up and hopes they don't have private info on him!

In the newly opened card shop, the Green Toad says he's competing with the Yellow Toad here in collecting the most battle cards. The Yellow Toad says the Green Toad has been giving him the evil eye all day and guesses correctly that he's challenging him to compete for the biggest battle card collection. He also says he's not going to back down, even though he usually avoids drama like this. The Blue Toad behind the counter advises us on what card to use, depending on our situation. The regular Toad behind the counter just sells the cards and says no two are the same... I suppose that's another collectable then! The Yellow Toad behind the counter tells us about shiny battle cards that are much rarer than their normal versions, they can't be bought in stores and they cost half the amount of star points when used. Hmm... so much to think about here. I don't buy anything yet.

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