Friday 15 January 2016

1 StreetPass Mii Plaza - Cleared StreetPass Quest with under 30 heroes

Dear Readers,

Today I'll talk about how the heck I did this! There are a few things I needed and a really good guide posted on the message boards.

Here's what I needed:
- A LOT of Play Coins. I started with the maximum 300 and finished with 95 left.
- A level 7 Red Mii met several times through StreetPass.
- A level 7 Blue Mii met several times through StreetPass.
- A level 7 White Mii met several times through StreetPass.
- A level 4(or over) Light Blue Mii. I chose a level 5 just to be safe.

The guide can be found on the fifth post of this link. Many thanks to AdamantBMage!

I'll post it here too:

1 RED lv7:
01: Ghost - kill with red magic
02: Ghostx2 - kill with red magic
03: Blue Ghost - attack with red magic

2 RED lv7:
03: Blue Ghost - kill with red magic
04: Ghost (yellow shield) & Blue Ghost - attack with red magic (kills Ghost)

3 BLUE lv7:
04: Blue Ghost - kill with sword
05: Armored Ghost - kill with blue magic
06: Blood Ghost - attack with blue magic

4 BLUE lv 7:
06: Blood Ghost - attack with blue magic

5 RED lv7:
06: Blood Ghost - kill with sword
07: Blue Ghost & Armored Ghost - attack with red magic (kills Armored Ghost)

6 RED lv7 & 7 LIGHT BLUE lv4+:
07: Blue Ghost - RED lv7 kill with red magic
08: Blue Ghost (light blue shield) & Armor Ghost - LIGHT BLUE lv4 attack Blue Ghost with sword, RED lv7 kill with red magic
09: Blood Ghost - RED lv7 attack with sword

8 BLUE lv 7:
09: Blood Ghost - attack with blue magic

9 BLUE lv 7:
09: Blood Ghost - kill with blue magic
10: Armored Demon - attack with blue magic

10: BLUE/RED lv 7:
10: Armored Demon - kill with blue/red magic
11: Armored Ghost & Armored Demon - attack with blue/red magic (kills Armored Ghost)

11: WHITE lv 7:
11: Armored Demon - kill with sword
12: DARKNESS - auto-light

12: BLUE/RED lv 7:
12: Armored Demonx2 - attack with blue/red magic

13: BLUE/RED lv 7:
12: Armored Demonx2 - kill with blue/red magic
13: Armored Fiend - attack with sword

14-30: ANY lv7
13: Armored Fiend/Ultimate Ghost - attack/kill with sword

There we have it. Some of my Miis missed a few times with sword swings but I still managed to finish comfortably within the 30 hero limit. I was a bit nervous about it so I kept picking just one hero at a time. This guide was very handy, so thanks again AdamantBMage and the person who posted it on the Japanese Wiki in the first place!

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