Friday 30 June 2017

14 super mario maker - 4-1 wall kicks will work by mop it up

Course ID: C77D-0000-0152-4521

Dear Readers,

Haven't played this in a long time! Just over a year I think... Lots to catch up on! Had to download an update that took 2 minutes to download and took another 2 to install.

Thursday 29 June 2017

77 epic dumpster bear - 7-6 final stage and 100% game!

Dear Readers,

Level 7-6 is called "Fast Fire Climb" and it's the last level in the whole game! It takes place on the space station world. Maybe this is part of the escape sequence in the game's ending?

Wednesday 28 June 2017

76 epic dumpster bear - 7-5 unlocking the last level

Dear Readers,

Level 7-5 is known as "Tricky Temple". The eastern world was lovely but had the most horrifying enemies in the game!

Tuesday 27 June 2017

Monday 26 June 2017

1 Hey! Pikmin - puzzling and tapping demo

Dear Readers,

Another 3DS demo that game out this week is Hey! Pikmin. Very very different to the other Pikmin games. This time it's a 2D puzzle platformer.

Sunday 25 June 2017

1 ever oasis - trying the adventuresome demo!

Dear Readers,

Let's try the Ever Oasis demo! I'm hearing nice things about this, so why not give it a shot?

Saturday 24 June 2017

74 epic dumpster bear - 7-3 back to the desert during this heatwave!

Dear Readers,

Level 7-3 is called "Boiling Bumper Jumps". Back at the desert world. With this recent summer heatwave it feels a bit like a desert!

Friday 23 June 2017

Thursday 22 June 2017

72 epic dumpster bear - 7-1 world 1 throwback :)

Dear Readers,

On to the bonus world, Champion's Dumpster! The map is an image of a beautiful night sky, above the clouds. Level 7-1 is called "Crazy Crates" and is themed after world 1! I missed the lovely music from there :)

Tuesday 20 June 2017

70 epic dumpster bear - 6-6 no castles in space :(

Dear Readers,

Level 6-6 is called "Space Climb". I guess it wouldn't make sense to have a castle stage in a world that's set inside a space station moon base, which itself is a kind of castle.

Monday 19 June 2017

69 epic dumpster bear - 6-d portal puzzle four

Dear Readers,

It's the last portal puzzle level. Gonna miss these cool towers in the space station world!

Sunday 18 June 2017

68 epic dumpster bear - 6-5 electrical hazard in the dome

Dear Readers,

Level 6-5 is known as "Electric Wall Jumps". As you can expect, mainly electrical enemies here! This also seems to be high up within the lunar base, judging by the background. Maybe it has a big dome ceiling.

Saturday 17 June 2017

67 epic dumpster bear - 6-c portal puzzle three

Dear Readers,

The white portals in these towers were kinda confusing to me, but now I know they're there to warp to the next section of portals.

Thursday 15 June 2017

65 epic dumpster bear - 6-4 deadly slide

Dear Readers,

Level 6-4 is known as "Space Slide". For a very good reason too. Lots of sliding going on here!

Wednesday 14 June 2017

64 epic dumpster bear - 6-b portal puzzle two

Dear Readers,

I really like these portal puzzle stages! This one is a tower as well. I'm getting a clearer picture of what the outside of this lunar space station may look like now with these portal puzzle towers. Maybe they're at the corners of the station like on a castle?

Tuesday 13 June 2017

63 epic dumpster bear - 6-3 grinding into the unknown

Dear Readers,

Level 6-3 is known as "Space Grind". Lots of Sonic style grinding on rails and bumping off bumpers!

Monday 12 June 2017

Saturday 10 June 2017

60 epic dumpster bear - 6-1 bear in space!

Dear Readers,

Level 6-1 is known as "Future Bear". The world is called "Space Station". The path to fight the evil corporation has led me all the way to outer space!

Friday 9 June 2017

2 kirby triple deluxe - 252/256 keychains collected now!

Dear Readers,

I explored all of level 4 and 5 and found some more new and rare keychains. Some of them from level 6 too. Here are the ones I found since last time...

Thursday 8 June 2017

59 epic dumpster bear - 5-6 big beast boss

Dear Readers,

It's boss time already! This is one of the shorter worlds. The boss here is a big freaky kaiju thing!

Wednesday 7 June 2017

58 epic dumpster bear - 5-d pushy puzzle four

Dear Readers,

It's the last puzzle stage of this world. Time doesn't seem to flow in this world at all as it always seems to be the same time of day in every level. It's still lovely though :)

Tuesday 6 June 2017

57 epic dumpster bear - 5-5 non-eastern castle stage

Dear Readers,

Level 5-5 is known as "Mountain Castle". A castle stage already? Yeah this world is a little bit shorter than normal.

Sunday 4 June 2017

5 arms - slam dunking into the 2nd global testpunch weekend

Dear Readers,

It's well worth jumping into the second Global Testpunch weekend! Some new stuff is available. There's the slam dunk basketball thing, there's the new character Twintelle and there's a boss that's like Goro from Mortal Kombat!

Saturday 3 June 2017

55 epic dumpster bear - 5-x p-wing bear

Dear Readers,

Level 5-X is known as "Auto Flight". It's an auto scrolling stage with the wing power up, so it's Flappy Bear! Though that may be an unfair comparison!

Friday 2 June 2017

1 kirby triple deluxe - 247 keychains! just a few more!

Dear Readers,

Before I started this blog I had played this game to the point where I got 98% completion. There's more stuff to get like keychains, so I decided to revisit the levels in the game to go hunt for them!

Thursday 1 June 2017

4 arms - finally wins me over! :) oh oh oh oh! na na na na!

Dear Readers,

This is the last Global Testpunch session I did this weekend. I got on much better and enjoyed it a lot more too :) The title of this post has some lyrics from the theme tune, which is very catchy!