Friday 23 June 2017

73 epic dumpster bear - 7-2 waiting before dropping

Dear Readers,

Level 7-2 is called "Snow Drop" and is a throwback to the snowy world 2.

I guess the drop part is referring to the dropping platforms after you step on them.

First red salmon coin is clearly seen and is collected with some well timed jumping.

Same with the second red coin, except you gotta slide for a little bit. The spiked balls don't make it too easy in this stage.

Lots of waiting is needed to let those spiky balls pass before jumping. Died quite a few times on this stage. There's one part where you can stomp on three enemies in a row, them being a wolf, an owl and another wolf in that order. Satisfying to do, so it's nice to be able to do that after being sent back to the checkpoint!

Third red coin you have to wait for the spiked ball to be in a very specific place before letting the platform before it drop. At least you can duck on the platform when you reach it and let the spiked ball circle around you. One of the few points in the game where ducking really comes in handy.

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