Thursday 15 June 2017

65 epic dumpster bear - 6-4 deadly slide

Dear Readers,

Level 6-4 is known as "Space Slide". For a very good reason too. Lots of sliding going on here!

Lots of tricky platforming too. To begin with, be very patient dropping past the lasers.

The first red salmon coin is at the top of slides. Be sure to check before sliding down and you'll see a platform tucked away that's normally out of view.

The secret exit warp you have to reach by bouncing on the first set of springs at a good speed from the slide right before it. I had to try this so many times! I just wasn't sure what was the right point to jump and kept missing the springs. I eventually got across though and climbed carefully all the way up to the warp exit, which leads to level 6-X.

While climbing after the checkpoint, I found that there was a platform that was always in a bad place whenever the laser across the way fired. I had to keep wall jumping to bide my time until the platform arrived! Things are getting very tricky indeed. Funnily enough though, I didn't have that same problem on subsequent playthroughs of this level. I was going more quickly so the platform and/or laser spawned differently.

The second red coin can be seen clearly along the way but it's surrounded by sparks circulating blocks. Be very patient and hang around the same block until an opportunity shows up to collect the coin.

The third red coin is behind a laser as you go up some small platforms after all the fun sliding and bouncing on springs. Sneaky little hiding place!

Got 6 points on the target on first attempt. Yeesh. The three bumpers were like three points on a triangle, dilating and contracting. One of them bumped me off centre. Gah.

Got 0 points on second attempt. Worst yet...

16 points on third attempt. Better but I'm still a little go-for-the-kill impatient, which rarely works for me!

2 points on fourth attempt. These freaking bumpers go at different speeds...

95 points on fifth attempt! Getting there!

55 points on sixth attempt. All three bumpers decided my fate in the end.

0 points on seventh attempt. Bad again...

100 points on eighth attempt! Finally :) Had a very lucky gap in the bumpers to fall through!

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