Tuesday 13 June 2017

63 epic dumpster bear - 6-3 grinding into the unknown

Dear Readers,

Level 6-3 is known as "Space Grind". Lots of Sonic style grinding on rails and bumping off bumpers!

It's very tempting to go with the flow at top speed but then go head first into an enemy, which is something that often happens in Sonic games too unfortunately. Best to take it easy here.

The first red salmon coin is at the top of some bumper platforms. Can be tricky to reach, but hit the right side of the bumpers to ascend and collect it.

The second red coin is a pain to collect. It's behind a laser gun that rotates and shoots at you when it sees you. The only way to reach this platform is to jump from the rightmost platform, but the one to the left of it keeps getting in the way! All the while you're trying to avoid being disintegrated. Bit of patience and practice but it's doable!

Died a few times after collecting it too. You gotta jump almost to the moment the rightmost platform starts going down enough for the one next to it to get out of the way.

The third red coin is much easier to collect! Just climb some platforms after the springs and that's it!

Got 2 points on the target on first attempt. Ouch. Three bumpers here doing circular motions, two clockwise and one anti-clockwise. One knocked me away!

Got 86 points on second attempt. Improving!

Got 100 points on third attempt! Woo! :)

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