Thursday 22 June 2017

72 epic dumpster bear - 7-1 world 1 throwback :)

Dear Readers,

On to the bonus world, Champion's Dumpster! The map is an image of a beautiful night sky, above the clouds. Level 7-1 is called "Crazy Crates" and is themed after world 1! I missed the lovely music from there :)

This level is called so because of the weird movements of the crates. They're kind of like stalactites and stalagmites growing and shrinking.

First red salmon coin can be seen clearly and is easily obtained.

Second red coin is on a rail below another rail. Jump along the rail so you don't go grinding at high speed and just drop down to the one below.

Third red coin is above a pit. A good way to collect it is to bounce on the drone that flies underneath. Time it carefully!

No target challenges in this world it seems!

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