Friday 2 June 2017

1 kirby triple deluxe - 247 keychains! just a few more!

Dear Readers,

Before I started this blog I had played this game to the point where I got 98% completion. There's more stuff to get like keychains, so I decided to revisit the levels in the game to go hunt for them!

It's been a while since I played this lovely game. Kirby moves at a gentle pace but you come across loads of secrets and fun stuff like the Hypernova and how it destroys everything.

I went to Lv3 Old Odyssey and took a fine tooth comb over the first three stages there.

I didn't find any new keychains on stage 1 but it was the stage where the trains drive into the foreground and it was pretty fun to revisit. Plus it had the Hypernova ability and I could eat the trains piece by piece so that made me pretty happy to revisit the stage anyway :)

Same no new keychain story with stage 2. It was still a fun stage though with some fun tilt motions and avoiding falling pillars from the foreground and background.

Stage 3 is where I finally found a new keychain! It was near the end and it took me a while to get there because I was having fun with the 3D Laser Bar and zapping enemies lurking and attacking from the background :) The keychain was underneath the platforms at the very end and just above the pitfall.

The keychain I found was the Masked Dedede from Kirby Super Star Ultra. I've got 247 keychains now and only have a few more to go in my goal to attain 100%!

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