Thursday 1 June 2017

4 arms - finally wins me over! :) oh oh oh oh! na na na na!

Dear Readers,

This is the last Global Testpunch session I did this weekend. I got on much better and enjoyed it a lot more too :) The title of this post has some lyrics from the theme tune, which is very catchy!

This time I went back to handheld mode and used the ZL and ZR buttons to punch. Lovely buttons. I stuck with Ribbon Girl and her electric fists too.

I won loads of matches and lost loads of matches too.

I finally got a little bit more decent at the volleyball! Flopping on the ground in defeat after every point scored against me is more tolerable now but still isn't fun. It's nice to be better at keeping it in the air at least.

For the 1v1v1 matches, I sometimes let the other 2 duke it out and claim the spoils at the end and had the same happen to me. Definitely one to make people call for extra rules and agreements!

Then the 2v2 matches with the chained partners. I'm a little more comfortable with them too but I could get better, especially when there's a bomb placed between us! We both pull away but then come right back together and get caught in the blast!

I like the other modes a lot more now but 1v1 is still my favourite. Won some, lost some, but nearly always enjoyed it this time round.

So yeah. I'm liking this game a lot more now than I did during the first Testpunch hour! I was humming the theme song all day with its "OHs" and "NAs" in the vocals.

The matches themselves are so quick. It takes no time at all to play several matches at a time. I hope the final release loading times don't hamper the game in any way because I think this is something special. The framerate is lovely and smooth too. I think we have the makings of a great arcade game here!

I'm saying this again I know, but for me the single-player and offline modes have to be good and robust for me to want this game enough. I tend to get tired of online competition very quickly. But hey, the game is basically fun and quick and that's more than half the battle!

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